
Feliz Navidad

My very dearest familia...

I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! I know it’s only the 22, but I can’t say it next week cause it will be after Christmas and everyone knows that it just weird to say it afterward haha. YAY for the most wonderful time of the year. I have so much I want to tell you this week so I hope I can get to all of it.

Holy Christmas package mommy!!! Never in my life have I seen a package so big. There we are in the middle of our Christmas dinner, handing out packages and this elder comes walking up with the most gigantic, most beautiful box anyone’s ever seen. My first thought was "wow, somebodies mom REEEEAAAAALLLLLY loves them" and then the second thought "wait wait wait that’s MY MOMS handwriting I know it!!!!” sure enough the elder delivered the blessed package right to my seat and I just held it on my lap laughing and hugging the box as if it were one of you in real life:):):) the truth is that the size and the contents of the box aren’t what filled my heart with joy and eyes with tears, but to see the cost of the postage, the beautiful photos of Christ and the carefully translated Spanish phrases on the side and knowing that the package represented a sacrifice from the ones I love most in the world. Everyone else in the room must have thought I was just another spoiled gringa, but I know the time energy money love and sacrifice that the box contains.):):):) Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!!!!!

So let me tell you a little about this last week! It has been the week of fiestas (parties). It seems like everyone wants to have a birthday in December. On top of that everyone here is in full Christmas celebration mode which means turrialba is over flowing with tamales, queque (cake!) and gringos haha. This last week we had 2 birthday parties, and a ward, relief society and mission Christmas party! So I guess were not exactly suffering. Just gotta throw in a quick shoutout to my mom for teaching me how to cook because this last week I made the best lasagna ever and also a cake (yeah from a box, but the frosting was from scratch!). I’ve missed being in the kitchen but it was a sweet little blessing to get to cook for a few people. Other GREAT NEWS!! This week we signed the contract for our new apartment. What a relief! Believe me I am grateful to have a roof over my head right now, but ill be even more grateful when we have a roof and a working toilet, shower and lights haha. Next week we get to move in, yay! What a blessing. The family that owns it is so nice too. Their little boy Brandon is 6 and is igualito to cannon they could be twins! He even has that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Hopefully we can start to teach them too, double win.
  Anyways this week besides just partying we have been working a little too;) we’ve had countless opportunities this week to testify of the saviors birth, life, death and resurrection. As hard as the world tries Christmas will always be filled with the spirit of Christ and bring us happiness as we reflect on and rejoice in his birth. Last night at the Mission Christmas Party President Hayes taught us a really important principle. He reminded us that never in history had Bethlehem been an important city in Israel. To this day the people don’t regard it as much. People would rather visit Miami or LA then visit the site of the Lords birthplace. So we know that it maybe wasn’t the biggest, most impressive, most beautiful city.... but from it came the greatest, most wonderful, most perfect person who has ever walked the Earth. Our Savior. He taught us that we are like Bethlehem. We also might not be the grandest or most impressive but if we follow His ways we can become like he is, perfected. We can do small miracles everyday in the lives of those around us and that is what counts. For from small and simple means are great things brought to pass! I challenge you to BE the small means that the Lord can use to bring to pass his grand designs. President also counseled us that in this next year we can DO Better and BE Better. I know that those words are true for each of us. As we strive to DO and BE better we will one day achieve our true potential as children of Heavenly Father.

I just want you all to know that I love you so, so very much. If this mission has served for one purpose it has taught me to love, appreciate and treasure the people God has placed in my family and in my life. I love, think about, care for, pray for and miss Each and every one of you. Thank you for your prayers in my behalf and know that you are my reasons for being here and helping the families of Costa Rica to receive they joy we have:) prayers from Costa Rica!

Hermana Kugath


Festival de las Luzes (Parade of Lights)

Dear Family,

 Christmas right????? Yay for all things Christmas! What a beautiful week it has been. it has been a week full of lights, festivals and singing santas! Everyone here is in the Christmas mood and that means a whole ton of missionary work to be done:) I love this season because people’s hearts are a little more open and a little more receptive. My favorite thing is to watch the new videos from the church about Christmas. Saturday was la festival de las luzes and in an hour we talked to about 100 people and we shared all these little cards with the link to watch A Savior Is Born, it was awesome! On the down side we never actually got to see any of the parade because it was taking fooooorrreeever. But that wasn’t what was really important anyways.

This week we had our zone meeting and we got to meet everyone in our new zone. It was really awesome because we talked a lot about how much we love our families and how in the mission the zone becomes our family. We know that the basic unit of society is the family (or a couple) but the basic unit of society in the mission is the companionship. That means that our companion is the most important person (besides the Lord and president). Then they asked us what would you loose if you didn’t watch out for your companion? The answer: everything. So I ask the same question to each of you, what would you loose? The family is ordained of God. Take care of your companions, watch out for them and love them. Serve them. Especially at Christmas time:) family is and always will be our most valuable treasure.

Wish I had more to say this week guys, promise next week I’ll be funner:)

Prayers from Costa Rica!
All My Love,
Hermana Kugath

P.S. We won’t write until Tuesday or Wednesday next week so now worries.


Turrialba and Mazariegos (pronounce that)

Dearest Familia.....

2 and a half weeks till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Yay!

Okay well let me tell you all about these crazy transfers we had! My new companion is named Hermana Mazariegos:) she’s from Guatemala- somewhere in the South- haha I can't remember the name. She is the cutest, tiniest, funnest, happiest, youngest companion I’ve ever had. We get along really well and things are going to be excellent here! My new area is called Turrialba. It’s in Zona Cartago and about 2 to 2 and a half hours away from San José. (I’m finally out of the city!). My area is beautiful. So much green things all around and so much mountains. Its like they landed me in the Rexburg of Costa Rica. Were surrounded by mountains (and volcanoes!) (except our Idaho ones are DORMANT!) and we live in this beautiful valley. There’s a huge river that cuts through the middle of our area and so we get to cross it every day. Sometimes the bridges are a little sketchy but its okay. Our chapel is under construction right now so were currently meeting in a high school gym. It’s a little different but it’s definitely an experience! There are 2 other elders in our area and it’s a good thing because our area is GIGANTIC!!!! I mean wow is it big. We have to travel 1 hour to get to district meeting and 2 to get to zone meetings, which is kind of a pain, but there’s worse things. The area is so big that we talk to many more people daily. My house....... could use a little work. We actually get to look for a new one because everything in the old one is broken (we have to turn the shower on with a wrench, the toilet is kinda a mini disaster, etc.) so that’s awesome cause we get to pick out where well be living! Also my cook is a dream!!! I was worried about leaving Gravilias because our cook there always spoiled us with fruit and vegetables etc. but Maribel is just as excellent! Every day we get meat and fruit and even sometimes dessert! But no worries there’s so much walking to do that it doesn’t stay around long. I’m super excited about working here because the ward is great! We have a great ward mission leader who’s really excited and a lot of support from the leaders (just something funny, the counselor of the bishop is named Juan Bautista or John Baptist Haha).

We have some really great investigators and people to work with. One of my favorites is named Bella (her name means beautiful Haha!). I’ve noticed something beautiful about her and about the other investigators here, when we enter the house they turn off the TV, they pull out their scriptures and they’re just well ready. It’s awesome! We don’t even tell them, they just know! My companion has done an excellent work in this area and I’m very excited to get to work here with her as we elevate ourselves to a new level of missionary work.

Anyways, I’m running a little short on time here so I gotta run, but just know that im happy, healthy, and loving the mission. If I could ask for one thing it would be please pray for me to be able to sleep at night, I’ve been waking up tired and its hard to focus and give my all when I’m so tired. Thanks:). Well I love you all, I miss you all, and I can't wait for Christmas!!!!! Yay:) prayers from Costa Rica!

All my Love,
Hermana Kugath


El Transfero

Aleena is being transferred and her companion will be going home, here is an excerpt of what she wrote to me about it, I loved what she had to say:  "My companion is going to go home. tomorrow:(  I'm sad. but I don't want you or anyone else to think anything less of her. She has sacrificed 6 months and she deserves to be loved and praised for what she gave and not rejected for what she didn't. I love her.

Dearest Familia and Other Admirers ha ha ;)

Is there anything better then Thanksgiving weekend in all its turkey, shopping, black Friday, family time, and pumpkin pie glory?!?!???!!! The answer to that is yes, but only for one reason, BECAUSE IT MEANS CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!! (Which you know, means I soon get to call my favorite family in the whole world!)  I’m so glad that every one of you had such a fun and filling weekend. I missed you. I did not cry, but I DID miss you. But don’t worry on Thursday night as my companion and I prayed over our little ham and cheese sandwich I thanked my Dear Heavenly Father for each of you! And lets not forget, I’m so thankful to be a missionary!!!:) Yay.

Well things are about to get real crazy here. Yesterday they let us know that my companion and I will be having changes. They’re going to put elders into our ward for the first time in years. So that’s sad.... I had hoped to be here for Christmas, but there are worse things and the Lord knows what he has planned for us. I will miss Hermana Turner, my house, my friends, my ward and everything that we’ve done here, but on to bigger and better!

Just a few thoughts from this week... on Thursday/Friday I was thinking about how wonderful my family is and how, although I loooooove being a missionary, I really missed them. I got me thinking about how/why I was on a mission. The clearest conclusion I could come to was that it was for  
        S    f
        e    i
         r    c
L. O. V.  E.
i   b    i
s  e    c
t   d    e
e   i
n  e

Whew. Man I hope you guys can see that because it took me literally 7 minutes or more to make that. Basically I made up my own definition of Love. Listen, Obey, Serve and Sacrifice. My whole life I put myself on the top of the list, followed by family friends etc. etc. and Heavenly Father was usually somewhere at the end of my list. I rarely listened obeyed served or sacrificed for HIM. Being a missionary has given me the opportunity to do all those things for him and for others. It’s the best.

Other thought, in sacrament one of the talks was on Which Brother am I?..  He talked about the 4 sons of Lehi. He pointed out how sometimes were exactly like Laman and Lemuel, they had spiritual experiences, they had testimonies, they’d seen miracles and received blessings and yet, they still murmured. Why?? Are we to tired lazy bored busy etc.? Why can’t we all just be Nephi?? Or at least Sam, Jacob or joseph?? I just really liked the comparison, it helped me see how its not just about Having a testimony that’s important, but that we act conforming to what our testimony tells us to do, whether we want to or not.

Just want to say I love you all and am super grateful to have you all in my life:) you’re the best a girl could ask for. Thanks for everything guys! Lots of love and prayers from Costa Rica..

All my love,
Hermana Kugath


The Week of the Turkey

Dearest..... (fill in your names here:) haha)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!! yes! one of the best holidays of all of November. what an excellent holiday. we just get to stuff our selves with moms delicious work and say how thankful we are for the heaps of blessings we received from our loving Heavenly Father. I'm personally a huge fan of this holiday and although it doesn't make much sense here I hope you all know that I will still be celebrating here in Costa Rica (maybe with just a little less food then normal..:() to start off let me just share a short list of the things I'm thankful for....(in no particular order obviously;))
1. Loving celestial and earthly parents
2. a knowledge of my savior and what He's done for me
3. the opportunity to be a missionary
4. the book of mormon and the bible (they're tied)
5. little brothers and older sisters (they're also tied...haha)
6. nieces!!!!!!!! they probably should be higher on the list actually.
7. brothers and sisters in law.
8. skype and email
9. marshmallow mateys
10.  FRIENDS:) I love you guys
11. boots!
12. pillows
13. prophets.
14. hymns and pianos
16. laughter
17. Th church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
18. the priesthood
19. Christmas!!!!!
20. hot water to shower
21. temples

.... the list could go on and on and on and if I didn't want to bore you guys I'd keep going. but those are just a few of the things that come to mind right now. so lets talk about what happened this week!
We've been working with one less active named Douglas. He's a crack up. he's suuuper smart about everything but he wont stop smoking. We always drop by just to visit him a minute so he knows we still love him even as a "sinner" ha ha :). This week we went by and he called out to us and said he wanted to teach us something super "tuanis" thats like cool here. haha so he brought out a few shoe laces tied together and started teaching us those hand games like cats cradle and Jacob's ladder, its been years since I've played anything like that! it was fun because we got to just chat a little with him and we learned some awesome tricks too!
Another day we went up to dos cercas with a member to find a friend of hers. We went to the house and her daughter said she wasnt there. Estefani (the member) asked if there was anyone else we could go visit instead so we took her to see Yulesi. we walked in her house and in the front living room was the friend that we had been looking for! We had a great lesson with them and as we were leaving Estefani told us that she had prayed so hard that we would be able to find her friend and when she wasn't home she had been really sad. But she knew Heavenly Father answers prayers and it was confirmed by our little miracle!
My story of the week is about Francisco. We found him last Sunday and have been trying to refind him all week. Yesterday he called us and asked if we could come over because he wanted to talk about the Word of God. We took him to a members house and had a really great lesson about the Plan of Salvation (he even read the pamphlet and everything so he was prepared!). it was fabulous and as we were leaving the member's son walked in so they got to chatting a little. About 2 minutes into the conversation Francisco told him "Im getting prepared to be baptized. I've never been baptized before and I know I need to be, so they're (us!) helping me". it was so coolio!!!!!! Anyways, the members we were with invited him to choir practice because that's where they were going right the. And he went!! We sang christmas songs for 2 hours. It was an awesome day!

Anyways this coming week is going to be really special. I hope everyone can feel the importance of Thanksgiving and being grateful for our many many innumerable blessings! And after eating a huge slice of pumpkin pie in my behalf I hope you can all get into the spirit of Black Friday and ask yourselves "que mas me falta?" (what lack i yet?) but spiritually speaking of course!:) I love you all and am extremely grateful for your love support and prayers. you're in my heart and prayers!

All my love,
Hermana Kugath


One Year!

Dear Familia y Loved Ones....

Wanna hear something awesome.....? This week I complete a year of being a missionary:) 12 months total. Okay I’m jumping the gun, I don’t actually until Thursday, but I figured I'd just mention it today! Thanks to all you out there who have been there for me from the first day until now, you know who you are;) and for those of you who have joined my support group along the way, you’re cool too! Ha-ha I really have been so blessed that through these last 18 months I’ve felt so loved and gotten to see my heart expand and my family grow!

Anyways, so this week.. What can I say, it been a pretty casual week here. My companion has been really sick and so that kind of gave us a few extra hurdles to jump over but we know the Lord is mindful of us and our situation so he gives us all we need to get things done. I think I’ve talked a little before about our investigator Estefani (she’s the girlfriend of a member) anyways, she’s awesome. We get to go see her every Monday night since it’s the only day she’s in town. But I love her! She always reads and studies the chapters we give her and she usually has a list of 8-10 questions for us. It’s a really special experience to get to see people’s testimonies growing. She’s a smarty too, when we teach her I really feel like a missionary. The rest of the week was sort of a blur, sorry.... we had an activity where we got to watch the Testaments and I remembered how awesome that movie is! And we had divisions one day with some other Hermana’s that was cool. Oh and this morning a member made us breakfast! Yum. I feel real bad guys I’m searching my brain but there’s just not much else to talk about. I guess this week I'll pray to have more spiritual experiences so I can write you a better letter next week. Love you all and miss you bunches!!

All my love and prayers from Costa Rica,
 Hermana Kugath



My Dearest Family and Friends,

Let me just say again how cool my boots are!!!!! Ha ha they cost me a little more then a pretty penny so I feel like I need to tell everyone forever how awesome they are. For those of you who have asked, my foot is doing super. It’s sore sometimes, but nothing that impairs me, I mean I’ve definitely had worse. Plus, every week I meet a new missionary and you should see the look on their face when they figure out that I’m "that one Hermana who fell in a sewer!!" its always the same reaction, and its funny every time so that’s okay.

Well let’s get right to the good stuff, being a missionary is awesome! Yeah its hard and whatever but the best part is that you get to talk about Jesus all day, EVERY DAY. And that makes it worth it. We had a really great week here in Gravilias! So great that it got me thinking about everyone else that I love in the world;) I realized that before my mission I had a testimony, I knew that everything was right and true and fabulous. But being on a mission has taught me the WHY.. And the why has strengthened my testimony more then ever before. I mean before I liked the Book of Mormon, now I love it. Before I thought Joseph Smith was pretty cool, now I can’t imagine a world without hearing his name. Before I knew who Christ was, I knew a few of the things he did and I was pretty sure he loved me, now I UNDERSTAND who he is, what he did for me, how to apply it to my life and now I feel his love for me that a desire has grown into an a surety of his love for me; imperfect, tired, stressed, silly, happy, sad, maybe a little chubbier, etc. etc. I know he loves me anyway:) sometimes writing home makes me feel a little selfish, like all I care about is me and what happened in my week ya know? How’s my testimony and stuff, so I wanted to make this email a little interactive.!!  I want you all to ask yourselves these questions, just try it...  okay, do I love Christ?? Am I sure? How do I know?? What does faith mean to me? Do I have a testimony of tithing? Fasting?? Why is the sacrament important? How do I repent?? Why is joseph smith so important? Is the Book of Mormon true?? Am I sure? Why/how do I know?? Yes there is a purpose to all these questions; our answers to these questions are our TESTIMONY. And you know what I want for Christmas..? I WANT YOURS! To anyone and everyone who’s reading this, for Christmas please send me a copy of your personal testimony. Letter, email, card, video, dear elder (sister ha ha) lo que sea! (However you want). I want to hear how what why when who, everything! Grand, small, simple or complicated. I just want to know how my loved ones feel about this miraculous gospel!

Well, I sure love you a lot. One of my constant prayers is that as am here serving, your faith and hope and trust in the Lord and his marvelous plan of salvation continue to grow. THIS is the most important thing in the world, in our lives. Blessings and prayers from Costa Rica!

All my love,
Hermana Kugath


Boots on the Ground

Darling Family,

Last weeks letter was sure depressing wasn't it??? Sorry, woman and emotions right? I'm not sure why the Lord thought that would be a good combination...lets just say this week has been 298% better! for one thing, I don't think a missionary's feet have EVER been as happy as mine. I bought a pair of boots last week because, lets be honest the plastic rubber shoes just weren't cutting it. I haven't had wet, dirty, blistered, hurting feet in a week! its like heaven. not to mention they're suuuuuper cute. unfortunately they're not magic and they can't keep me from falling all over the place haha. Anyways, I'm happy.

It was a good thing I got them this week to cause it was a long week of walking. People here don't even celebrate Halloween UNLESS they can use it as an excuse to cancel our appointments haha. Funny? Yes. Frustrating? Maybe a little. We had some cool members come help us though this week. I love them members of Gravilias and I'm pretty sure they love us too:) Every day this week we had members helping us. Just in time to start NO TRACTING NOVEMBER too. Yay! As far as the investigators go everyone is doing pretty good. Yulesi is on track for her baptism in December, just pray real hard that she can give up coffee and we should be good (P.S. you should know that I betrothed her little girl Juliana to Cannon. she is adorable mom don't worry!!). We're also getting ready for Karol, Aaron and Harry's baptisms here in November. keep your fingers crossed!! and maybe pray a little too;) 

One of my favorite lessons of the week was when we brought Ruth Lopez to meet Yulesi. They're almost the same person! They got along so well and it was a fabulous lesson. Yulesi set the family proclamation on the table and said "I want you to explain this to him (pointing to her boyfriend) and make him understand it!" haha. it was great though because Ruths husband also doesnt want anything to do with the church so she could help her and comfort her when he refused to listen to us. My second favorite lesson was with an old lady named Carmen that we met. We walked in and started talking to her and her boyfriend (keep in mind she's 80 something and he's up there in age too). We asked why they weren't married and she said she wanted to be married again (for the 3rd time haha) but they had decided not to because he didn't believe in marriage. but she said that if we knew anyone who wanted to get married we could introduce her to them.... that's when we invited her to church and told her there were lots of single elderly men there ;) hahaha she got real excited and said she'd come next week.

Anyways, Halloween was kinda lame, we didn't do anything and neither did anyone else, but that just gives us more time to get ready for CHRISTMAS!!!!! :):):) I sure love and miss you all. Thanks for the letters and emails and photos.
Prayers from Costa Rica!
All my love,
Hermana Kugath


Ahhh Reality

Querida Familia Mia....

I wish that every week could be happy faces, glitter, ice cream and baptisms.... but in the interest of being real, this week wasn't any of those things. It wasn't awful. I mean on the bright side I didn't fall into any sewers! Any week that I don't do that is a win. We just have to remember that although being a missionary is an incredible experience and more valuable then any experience in the world, we're still human. We still feel frustrated, sad, mad, guilty, disappointed etc. even as a representative of Jesus Christ. But it's the light at the end of the tunnel that keeps us moving forward. My light at the end of what feels like an eternally long and dark tunnel is the atonement. Sometimes the atonement is a very misunderstood doctrine. Some people see it as only a lysol rag to wipe away their dirty sins or only as a warm blankie to help them feel better. I learned that it fills these 2 functions and even more. The atonement is what tells me, "It's okay that you're not perfect right now, but I'd like to help you be better". The Lord isn't as interested in if Hermana Kugath is the best missionary in the world as he is if she's getting better every week, if she's trying harder, if she loves people more. The truth is that our Heavenly Father doesn't expect everything of us right now, what he wants more then anything is for us to progress. Better today than yesterday and a commitment to be better tomorrow than today. 

I honestly don't remember a lot from this week (the week of the waterfall went a little overboard and everything's a bit blurred by tears ;) haha jk. I don't cry). I've realized that were sort of the experts in teaching the novios (boyfriends or girlfriends) of all the members in our ward haha. If you take a look at our teaching pool you'll see that 90% of the people on there are love interests of members. Part of me feels real great that they trust us enough with their sweethearts and part of me is just like " hello! Date members!".  but you know, Latinos... We went to visit Julesi this week and we had a real spiritual experience with her. She was telling us how her boyfriend had been acting like a real punk that week. She cried a little and told us about some of the difficulties she's been having and also expressed a little of her dreams for the future for her and her daughter. We taught her about The Family Proclamation and the law of chastity and how if she lived her life according to these standards and commandments she was promised the help of God. At the end she even picked her own baptismal date! Up until that point she was unwilling to commit to a date, but the Spirit was really strong. hm, aue mas. I got my cedula this week! I'm officially legal here again so thats cool. oo oo Marta's husband said he would sign the divorce!!!!! Finally. It's a huge miracle! What would have been a 3 year plus process for their family is cut down to 1-6 months. What a blessing! There was a talent show in the ward this week and a group of young men danced and it was super awesome! Haha. there was this 14 year old who is the coolest kid we've ever met and him dancing made him even cooler haha. Last experience, this week we read in Mosiah 4 where it says: "are ye not all beggars before God?" and then king Benjamin gives us this great talk on service, loving one another and that as we give of ourselves, we retain a remission of our sins. One night we were walking when we ran into our friendly neighborhood drunk, Geovanny. We found him a few weeks ago and challenged him to give up alcohol. And he has! We asked if there was anything we could do to help him and he said "well i am a little hungry". My companion took out the granola bar from her backpack (literally the only thing we had, and it was Sunday so we couldn't buy anything else) and gave it to him. That is sacrifice, service and charity. Love people.

We'll gotta run. All my love and prayers from Gravilias to you!!

Hermana Kugath


Personal Miracles

Dear Familia Mia....

Sorry this letter is gonna be a little shorter then usual. I’ve been a bit distracted. sorry (:

This week I mainly just want to talk about a few personal miracles. On Saturday, we were fasting specifically for some of our investigators and also to find a family that was prepared to hear the gospel from us. That very night we were led to the most adorable blue house. We’d chatted with the lady a few days before but never actually visited them. She was home alone doing little projects that she sells online. We talked for a few minutes and shared my favorite part of The Family Proclamation (the part that says happy and successful families are built and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, love, respect, work and play etc.). We asked her how she felt and she told us that she agreed whole heartedly. At this point her whole family came home! She’s married, has 4 kids, and lives with her parents and brother. they are all so adorable! their oldest son is 12 and this is the funny part. His name is Joshua, he looks like Noah (like identical) and he’s the same age as Elijah. ha-ha! it was such a sweet experience for me! they also have a 10-year-old who loves soccer and has brown hair (Malachi, Talmage and Cannon). Basically its like our family but all compact into fewer people (: When we asked the 12-year-old what he though his family could do to follow Jesus he said "I want my family to go to church together. I know that it will help us to all grow spiritually together". It was the most sincere desire of his heart. so sweet!

Another hilarious thing that happened was when we were in a noche de hogar (FHE) with Marta, Felipe and their family. Marta was a little frustrated with her husband and his brother and her kids and so in the closing prayer this is basically what she said "Heavenly Father thank you for sending my lovely, wonderful, precious, beautiful and special princess missionaries to my house. Please bless Eddy to stop being disobedient and rude and mean and stubborn. Please bless my husband because his character is fatal (direct quote ha-ha) and my naughty children to do what they’re told. But thank you for these incredible, bella, adorable missionaries that you’ve sent me, they’re my favorites and I love them and they’re perfect etc. etc. ....." I almost died laughing and I could feel my companion next to me giggling the whole time. Needless to say she’s our new favorite investigator.

Sorry that’s all I’ve got time for. Love you all and hope you know that you’re in my heart, thoughts and prayers!!!

All my love to wherever you are,

Hermana Kugath


Holy Sleep Over

Dearest Familia and Queridos (dear ones- for you non Spanish speakers- I looked it up )-

And so begins the week of the waterfall..... (transfer week)

To start out on a bright note, we didn’t see changes here in Gravilias:):):) well mostly.... I’m sad to say that one of my favorite hermanas, Hermana Olsen (the one from Pocatello) is going home in just a few days:( now we’ll just be two Idaho girls in the house. what a heartbreak. I’m so sad to loose her (but just in case she ever reads this) I am so extremely grateful for her example, her love and her friendship. now I know we can have a mission reunion whenever we want when I get back too!!!! yay for Hermanas from Home!

Basically its been a week of celebrating the ¨life¨ (mission haha) of Hermana Olsen! on Saturday we went to the temple with all our recent converts and investigators. it was a really sweet experience. we got to see all the great people wave been working with enter for the first time. it was really emotional too. we’ve grown together as hermanas in the Ward and there’s no better place to celebrate then together in white in the temple. We also had 2 going away dinners haha- the members here love to spoil us. Even though we weren’t the ones leaving we got invited to eat lots and everyone’s all emotional again about the obra missional (missionary work)! my favorite celebration of the week was last night when we drug all our mattresses down stairs to have a huge sleepover. we watched Legacy, ate smores and talked, it was like a normal girl party except that were representatives of Jesus Christ and not just normal girls so that made it a more holy Slumber Party haha.

This week we taught one of my favorite lessons of all time. So this girl named Yulesi (pronounced you lazy in English.... ha-ha its a killer name) is super incredible! last week we gave her a pamphlet of the restoration and when we came back this week to talk about it shed read it so many times that it had started to fall apart!! she underlined everything she liked, looked up the scripture references, wrote her thoughts and feelings in the margins and taught us all about the apostasy, the restoration and Joseph Smith. she even had the dates of the first vision and when he received the priesthood memorized!!! we answered the questions she had and then explained what the Book of Mormon is. you could just see the light in her eyes growing!! she asked how much she had to pay for the book! Obviously we just gave her one but she looked so happy it was really unbelievable.

We also did a street contact with a guy yesterday, he said ¨my names Gabriel, like the archangel¨ haha he told us he really wasn’t interested but was still really nice to us. later that night we found him in the street again and he called us over to talk to him. he told us that if he wasn’t a practicing Catholic he would be Mormon haha. he was really intelligent and we had a great conversation about our beliefs. We got cut a little short cause he and his friends were leaving but I’m sure we’ll find him again one day!

Anyways, prayers and love from Costa Rica to home!!!

Oh and good luck my little Kameroon!!! my own little Hermana Allison leaves to the MTC this week! go get em killer;) I’m so sos so sososososososososo proud of you and your decision to serve a mission. you’re allowing the Lord to mold you into what he wants you to become. I love you!

All my love, (no translation needed)
Hermana Kugath



Dearest Familia and Friends....

Well. Due to the inbox explosion I received for my birthday I don’t have much time to write about what happened this week:) I got to spend a delicious 45 minutes reading, listening to and watching my favorite people in the whole world wish me a Happy Birthday!!!!! Could an Hermana get any luckier? I’m not kidding when I say I’ve never had so many emails before. Thanks:) my companions often tell me I’m chiniada (spoiled) and after 3 birthday dinners, 6 videos, 50 plus letters, the whole ward singing feliz cumpleanos and receiving the most wonderful, candy and smore stuffed package I’ve ever seen, I’m beginning to think they’re right:)

So just in case I missed anyone, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! You all made my 21st birthday the best 21st I’ve ever had haha. Its weird being old but I’m super happy and I feel so blessed, so thank you.

Anyways, just a few birthday miracles.... this week the big family we found came to conference!!! We had 13 investigators there and it was crazy. Now I know why the Mormons in the states with big families stay home to watch conference... lets just say it took 75 % of the birthday candy I just received to keeps those locos in line. Also I got to hear the prophet talk!!! Yay:) isn’t he adorable? Also my companion and house companions helped me have the best day ever! They made me wear a little crown around all day and everyone treated me like a princess. It was great!!

Anyways, no time, lots of love and prayers from here to home!!!!

Hermana Kugath


It's Raining Men... Halleluja!

Dearest Familia,

Hey Y'All...
Oh my good lands! the lord has opened the windows of heaven and poured out a blessing so great that there’s literally not room enough to receive it... and by blessing I mean rain. This past week has been crazy! every day it has poured for hours on end. Not that I don’t love being sopping wet and all, but I just really don’t love it. I know that Costa Rica needs the weather and that so many people have been praying for rain, but its a serious pain in the booty for missionaries. Apart from being soaked and freezing all day no one wants to stop and talk to us and no one wants to let us in, but the Lord always provides a way! One day we were walking through the little drizzle when it started to rain really heavily. we ducked into a little ice cream shop to wait it out for a few minutes when rain started to come in through the roof! we got buckets and brooms and helped the shop owners to clean out the water that was pouring in. Later when it finally stopped we invited them to church and gave them a pamphlet about the restoration and in return they gave us free ice cream:) ush! hopefully they’ll become investigators so we can frequent their shop haha.

Anyways, this week has been sort of a bummer. the rain sort of washing away our spirits a bit and also having a small affect on our health (just the beginning of a cold mama don’t worry) so we asked our DL if he could give us blessings to help us. In the Blessing he promised us both that through our faith we would see miracles.. Let me just tell you a few of the miraculous things we saw happen!

1. Y’all should be really proud. my comp and I are living examples of a harmonious companionship. So we don’t have anyone in the ward who plays piano during sacrament and it sort of bothered us so we sort of called ourselves as ward pianist. between the two of us (Hermana turner playing the left hand and me playing the right) we can get through the majority of hymns! this was our first week that we played in church and it was awesome!! we practiced a little but we were still super nervous, but the Lord helped us and we played each song nearly perfect:) it was a miracle because the music really helped us to feel the spirit more during the meeting.

2. One time I was wearing my companions white/cream skirt and I dropped a mango on it and there was a HUGE stain :( we forgot to take it to get washed last week but today when we looked at it the stain had totally disappeared!

3. The Lord blessed us hugely this weekend and gracias a el and also the members we had 9 investigators!! 9:):):) that’s the most I’ve ever had in my whole mission! the members were bringing their friends and boyfriends and family members and we even had some members go pick up other investigators (including 2 of the daughters from the big family of 11!!) Were super excited because they all had a great time and said they’d be coming back, with their families, for a session of conference:) woohoo way to go team!

Anyways, that’s pretty much a rundown of my week here. love and miss all yall back home! I’m super duper excited because in this next week we get to go to the temple and go to conference! I love conference. but I LOVE it. I hope each of you can do your best to be present (physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.) for all the sessions of conference. it is SO important. listen and the follow the words of our living prophets, they will literally guide and direct us so that we are safe and happy. they’re called of God after all! and don’t forget to think of me too;) just sayin.. love you lots!!! prayers from Costa Rica<3

All My Love,
Hermana Kugath


Par Avion

Well, This week was bipolar... one day we were crying in front of a drug hotel and then next thing you know were laughing and stuffing ourselves with doughnuts from Pricemart! The beginning of the week started out awful. Every day we had like 6 or 7 appointments- like set in stone, and each morning as we called to confirm our appointments one by one they cancelled on us... so there we are, only 10 am with nothing planned all day. And to top it off it rained for like 3 days straight! If you wanna make a missionary unhappy just tell her she has to walk around all day soaking wet. Needless to say we had a few days where our moods probably matched the weather, but the sun always comes after the rain!

2 super highlights of the week!!!
I got to send my second Dia de Independencia here in cost Rica! (It’s like 4th of July for us but it’s the 15th of September.) There were parades and activities and fireworks, they went all out. The only down side, they don’t throw candy in their parades. Lame.

This week we finally got to have our activity that we’ve been planning for about 2 months now!!!! It was so so excellent. It’s called the Avion (the airplane). Basically we built an airplane in the cultural hall of the church, and then we had every one get on and played sounds of an airplane taking off and everything. We even had flight attendants and security officers (from the primary! so cute). Basically everyone goes on this trip, but here’s the catch, the plan crashes and everybody on it.... dies. Sounds a little morbid but just wait for it. So everyone dies and they get sent to 2 other classrooms, half to spirit prison and half to paradise. They get to learn about who goes to prison and who goes to paradise and why. Then we take them to rooms representing the Telestial, Terrestrial and celestial kingdoms. They learn about who goes to each kingdom and why. It was soooo awesome!!!! We had each organization in charge of a room and they did an excellent job! Every room was decorated to look like its name. We had a great turnout of members, less actives and investigators. There were at least 25 people there who weren’t members!!!:):):) The very best part (next to the doughnuts obviously....) was that we had a surprise guest! About a week ago we called President Hayes to invite him and his family but we didn’t think he’d be able to come, well, he came!!! It was super awesome. He got to meet lots of our investigators and members and teach them a few minutes about the importance of the plan of salvation. We were so happy and honored that they came to share this experience with us. It was really special because wed been having such a down week before that day and being around him really cheered us up! Anyways, the activity was a huge success and it was super fun too. yay for ward activities!:)

Last I just wanted to share one experience we had this week while we were teaching. We went to visit an elderly lady named Norma, we’ve been teaching her about the restoration but really slowly so that she really understand the importance. We talked to her about how the Lord has always showed how much he loves us by sending us prophets to guide us. Then we asked her, wouldn’t it be great if we had someone like that to guide us today?? She thought for a second and then started to look sad at the thought that we didn’t have one. But then we invited her to general conference so she could hear and listen to the words of the Lords Latter Day Prophet and she got SO, but SO excited. It was like a little kid at Christmas time... it was adorable. Yay:)

Okay last thing I promise.... my companion is hilarious. This week she literally made me cry laughing. One day we were sitting at the table studying and one of the other girls in the house said "do you guys think I could learn how to be humble in 3 weeks??" my companion, dead serious turns around with this snobby look on her face and says "I did it in less......" I was dying... haha. Yay funny companion:) Well lots of prayers fam!

All my love,
Hermana Kugath


Way to Go IDAHO

My Dearest Family and Friends...

Patience: Patience is the capacity to endure Delay, Trouble, Opposition or Suffering without becoming angry, frustrated or anxious. PMG (Preach My Gospel) pg 120

Well, I finally figured out why I’m still a missionary! The Lord really, really, REALLY needs me to learn how to be a patient person. As I look back over the last 2+ years of my life I can see how I have had specific trials with delays, troubles, oppositions and even suffering... At first I was a tad upset like "Hello Lord I got it, you’ve given me one of each already good enough." But what I realized was that its not the trail that’s important, its our ATTITUDE During the trial. I’m a little embarrassed to say that time and time again I was given the opportunity to demonstrate my patience but instead I was frustrated and angry (which aren’t fruits of the spirit so we should actually NEVER feel them). I kept asking why do these things keep happening to me?? But the answer is simply because I didn’t learn from them what I needed to and the Lord needs me to learn to be a woman of patience and he needs to to figure it out now.

So this week has been awesome! Apart from loving my companion we have a great investigator! his name is Fernando and we Love him!!! he acts like a member in the lessons. asking all the right questions and understanding the scriptures perfectly. He’s really special because his ex-girlfriend and 2 kids are all members and although they’re not together anymore they still live in the same house.... secretly we would LOOOOOVE if they would get back together!!! they’d be the perfect couple/family:):):)):) sooo cute. So this week we went over and talked about the importance of FAMILY SCRIPTURE STUDY and FAMILY prayer. that was our subtle attempt to hint to them to get things straightened out. as my companions says, were Suuuper duper sneaky.

Have I mentioned how awesome it is to live in a house with 2 other Hermanas from Idaho?!?! I’m honestly being spoiled silly. I apologize because last week I did not do justice to the magnificence that is My new companion Hermana Turner. This is probably the twin I never had. She’s the most sarcastic, energetic hilarious person I’ve ever met (at least in Costa Rica:)). I have never laughed so much or so often in my whole life. We even have the same sense of humor so were double trouble. We have one of those freaky finish each other sentences and laugh until we literally cry kind of relationships. Its such a relief because when Hermana Mendoza was transferred I was afraid I’d be doomed to boredom without her, but the Lord knows what he’s doing. Let me just tell you a funny story from this week.. so we both sort of sing, all the time. And one night as we were getting ready for bed the theme was Phantom of the Opera. We were just being our usual weird selves and singing part songs or verses as we remembered them. My companion got up on her bed and told me to hush up so she could pray, but I wasn’t quite done so I came out of the bathroom toothbrush in mouth and in my best phantom voice sang "Pray for meeeeeee!!!" (you know, like when he says sing for me!! only funnier:)) its not a lie if I told you that we laughed for 16 minutes straight. On top of being hilarious were also brilliant... this week we started a tradition, every night we turn on our little counter stove and roast marshmallows:) it reminds us of Idaho and they’re also perfect delicious smoremallows! I’ve never been a happier missionary!

Just a few other tidbits... last week when we climbed the mountain we climbed 104 sets of stairs. our greatest amount of steps was 25,380.. also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK TO MY FAVORITE LADY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Mommy:) I love you so much. I’m so sad I can’t celebrate with you, but I’ll be here wishing you a Happy Birthday and telling all these Ticos how fabulous and special you are! I hope its a beautiful, happy, wonderful day. I hope you know how much I love you and appreciate the example of sacrifice you’ve been in my life. I’m who I am today because of you:) lots of love and prayers from Costa Rica!

All My Love,
Hermana Kugath


Climbing With a New Companion

Dearest Family and Friends....

I’m sure I’ve used this before but it definitely applies today.... How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of them who publish peace!!! This morning we woke up at 4:30 AM to hike a mountain as a zone... why? I’m still not quite sure, but it was awesome! It was soo beautiful and the view was without description. Sometimes I feel cheated because I live in Costa Rica but I don’t get to enjoy it like other people, but today I got a little taste. The whole hour while we were hiking I just kept thinking "I betcha Nephi himself one day hiked this mountain too" I told my companion that and she said, " no, he cheated, he was carried away by the spirit to the top of it. He didn’t have to walk" ha-ha... sorry, when you’re a missionary your sense of humor changes a little;) but we at least think were funny.

Oh hey speaking of companions... Last week we had cambios! My little Hermana Mendoza was sent away to Cartago to blossom as the little missionary butterfly that she is. And guess who I got blessed with!!! One of the sisters who I found in the airport when I was coming back! My companion is Hermana Turner and she’s from Kimberly Idaho. Also she makes me laugh, a lot. We have the same type of personality so were actually hilarious together. I’m finishing her training and trying to help her learn to love the mission. Us Gringas (and just new missionaries in general) have it really hard the first few months. Everything is new.. We don’t know how to be missionaries, we're not used to the food, we don’t know anyone and most can't even speak the language for crying out loud. A lot of times that has a negative affect on the news, that’s why I love and appreciate my job so much! I just get to teach them the Love of the mission!! I get to teach them how to laugh and smile their way through the week:):):) I’m sure grateful that the Lord taught me how to first so now I can help my Hermanas.

Anyways, I promise we do more then just laugh and smile and sing and look pretty;) This week we were working with our two big families. We went to see the family of 5 and pretty much all they wanted to talk about was why we should go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday... it was sad. We tried explaining the Sabbath in every way possible but they just didn’t understand. Then we just gave them a book of Mormon, invited them to read it and pray to receive answers. They gave us some books written by their prophet and told us the same.... (This is the funny part, they’re all like the bible the bible is our guide and we follow everything it says etc etc, but their prophet is a girl... they should probably read 1 Corinthians 14:33-34 again hahaha) We also went to see our miracle family of 8. Last week they called us and said that they didn’t have anything to give their kids to eat for lunch the next day and asked us if we could help them. It was really difficult because were here to preach the gospel and we always only have money to get through the month, but I couldn’t stand the thought of those little kids not eating. So we called the bishop and he, with the help of the other missionaries in our zone, gathered up some food to take them. He went with us and explained how we as a church strive to do as Christ taught and feed the hungry. It was really humbling experience for us and for them.

Sorry this letter is sort of choppy, we got up extra early this morning.... anyways, love you all!! Prayers and blessings headed your way!
All my love,
Hermana Kugath



Dearest Family and Friends...

Can I just say, fasting is the best thing in the whole world!!!! I’m not kidding people, it works. If the Lord has taught me anything this week its the power of the principle of the fast. The week started off pretty slow. Not many new people to teach not much goin on, but that’s normal right? Wrong. This week felt like we were walking through an investigator wasteland!! Luckily earlier in the week our DL had challenged us to put the Lord to the test by fasting twice with a specific purpose. Being the obedient little hermanas that we are we did it, asking the Lord to guide us to new people. We fasted (some of the hardest fasts of my life because it was real hott and we walked extra those two days) and also put in our part by talking with literally everyone we saw and contacting all the references wed received. So here we are doing everything we can and having the faith that we´ll be blessed, but God sometimes is funny, he likes to try my patience haha. Usually by Friday we have 6or 7 new people to teach but come Saturday night and we didn’t have a single one! So Sunday afternoon rolls around (Sunday afternoon is the HARDEST part of the whole week for me cause I’m usually exhausted and I’m one of those sunday-napper kinds but that’s not actually acceptable in the mission, but my body doesn’t want to accept that either) and its right after lunch so the whole world is in siesta mode. We walked all the way to the limit of our area to contact a reference and we got a huge surprise..... We found a family of 11 people!! This is the biggest family I’ve ever seen in Costa Rica. The mom, dad and 9 kids! Holy smokes. They invited us in and we got to know them a little and taught a short lesson about how the gospel will bless our lives and our families. Anyways, long story short, we found a family of 8 possible baptisms. 8 people 8!!! And on top of that the lord blessed us with 1 extra special new:) in the space of 2 hours Our Heavenly Father placed 9 of his chosen and beloved children into our care. It was incredible and really taught me the blessings of fasting and faith.

Anyways I wanted to talk a little bit about something called  la pereza (that means laziness). Here in Costa Rica they have a saying "que pereza" that they say whenever they don’t want to do something... go to school? Que pereza. Work? Que pereza. Read the book of Mormon? Keep the word of wisdom? Wake up early to go to church?? Que pereza. I have had just enough of this phrase to last me a lifetime!!!! It may be difficult to understand or to desire, but everything worth having we have to work for. God didn’t send us down here to sit on our bums and watch TV..... He wants us to learn, to change, to progress!! As humans changing is hard, we don’t love it, but we have to. I love this quote  " “a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation. … It is through this sacrifice, and this only, that God has ordained that men should enjoy eternal life.”
The Sacrifice of ALL THINGS. Not some, not a few, not most. ALL. Time, energy, talents, money, food, weaknesses, desires, etc. I hope we can all look more at our lives and ask what? Or how? Can I sacrifice so that my faith is sufficient to save.

I love you all so much!!!! I pray for you all, for your happiness and your progression in the gospel everyday. you are all my world:)

All my love and prayers,
Hermana Kugath

P.s. some crazzzzzyyyy news!!!!! Remember Moravia?? Well mi companera Hermana Montoya and I had a dream right? A crazy dream. We wanted 2 chapels in Moravia and....... They’re going to do it!!!!! A member showed up at our house last week to tell us that in the next few months they’re going to test it to see if it will work. There’s going to be two churches there!!!!!!! :):):):):) Were not so crazy after all I guess


Aleena's Return Date

Aleena has been wrestling this week about when to come home from her mission, she was given the choice, to return when she would have before the injury, or to extend to a full 18 months (or somewhere in between) This was a super difficult decision for her because between working to earn money for her mission and the timing of her call, she is soon to be turning 21 and has yet to go to college. Until this week she did not know the answer.

My Most Darling Family and Friends....

Right away I wanted to shout out...Happy Birthday for sure to my sweet nana!!! What a woman. Turning 29 again right?? And happy birthday also to Colton (and Brittney too ha-ha). Thanks for giving me something else to celebrate!!

This is my scripture of the week:
3 Nephi 18: 24 Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed."

I love this scripture because it says hold up your light! and then it tells us how. When I first read it an image of me dressed as the statue of liberty was the thing that came to mind ha-ha but as I pondered on its and prayed to know I could hold up my light it became clear to me that my light was my example and that it shines brightest when my example, my life, reflects the life of my savior. In church videos and photos we see that the Lord Jesus Christ glistens. He beams! I know I don’t understand fully what its like to beam like him, but I imagine its at least a little like the happiness that I carried in my heart this week. It’s that smile that you can’t keep off your face no matter how hard you try, that skip in your step and then happy glow you just feel! This week I had lots of experiences that strengthened my testimony and have helped me be the person I want to be. Every day the lord gives us the opportunity to start the day shining! This week we spent a day in the office getting my huellas (fingerprints) taken again so I can get my Costa Rican residency. (They canceled my other one, hmmm; someone thought I wouldn’t make it back... ha-ha surprise!). I sat waiting in a chair for like 6 hours. I remember the first time I was bored and shy and it was basically a waste of a day, THIS time I took the opportunity to talk to each of my neighbors and even the finger printer guy about the message of the restored gospel. That day yo brille! (I shined:))

We also had divisiones this week with the Hermana especialistas. I sort of got my head chopped (figuratively, bit literally!) and experienced the marvelous truth of repentance. Even missionaries sometimes need to repent ya know.. I learned the importance of being una misionera testificante y desafinate. That means a missionary who testifies and invites people to be baptized. Sometimes I’m a little shy to invite people to make this sacred covenant with the Lord. I feel awkward and not sure what to say. Were supposed to invite them in the first appointment and so sometimes that makes me a little uncomfortable because in my head I say, "I don’t even know these people!!! They’re going to think I’m psycho. They wont accept etc. etc.": but I was taught that this isnt my work. It’s not my mission. If I don’t invite them to be baptized who will?? The Lord knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows what he wants done, as well as when and how he wants them done. Having the opportunity to repent helped me to shine a little brighter.

What does light do for us? Light helps us to see clearly physically as well as spiritually see the will of God for our lives. Having a week so full of light you’d think that everything in my life was clear as crystal right? Well, almost. Ever since I came home 2 questions have nagged and nagged me relentlessly. Will you go back? And for how long?? The first was obvious; the second hung in the dark, scaring me even. Well I’m here to testify that the Lord does not work in the Dark. Through lots of prayer and fasting I’ve been able to bring light to even the darkest, scariest parts of my own mind. This week we had a special women’s conference for Central America with Hermana Nelson as the keynote speaker. It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Before the conference my companion and I started a fast for our investigators and for ourselves... my question "Lord help me to know when you want me to go home". During her talk sister nelson had us all stand and repeat my favorite part of one of the most powerful conference talks of my life. Maybe you’ll remember Jeffrey R Holland’s talk from October 2012. This is what we repeated.... 

Peter, why are you here? Why are we back on this same shore, by these same nets, having this same conversation? Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want fish, I can get fish? What I need, Peter, are disciples—and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do. Ours is not a feeble message. It is not a fleeting task. It is not hapless; it is not hopeless; it is not to be consigned to the ash heap of history. It is the work of Almighty God, and it is to change the world. So, Peter, for the second and presumably the last time, I am asking you to leave all this and to go teach and testify, labor and serve loyally
until the day in which they will do to you exactly what they did to me.”

But this is the conversation I had with the Lord... "Aleena, my daughter, why are we here again? Having these same conversations. Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want you at home that I can get you home? What I need Aleena are missionaries. Disciples. And I need you until March. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone who loves me truly truly loves me. And loves what her Father in Heaven has commissioned her to do. Ours is not a feeble message. It is not a fleeting task of 12 months. It is not hapless it is not hopeless. It is the work of Almighty God and it is to change the WORLD. So Aleena, for the 20th and presumably the last time, I am asking you to go teach and testify and labor and serve loyally until the day that I take you home again."

This week Jesus Christ talked to me. As I stood there having a conversation with him in my mind tears fell, but in my heart I felt peace. I know that the Lord hears our prayers. I know that I matter to him. I know that my decisions, if in line with his will, can help many people. So, I’ve decided to stay:) the Lord wants me to shine a little Longer as Hermana Kugath.

I love you all. You’re in my heart and prayers for always,
All my love,
Hermana Kugath
(If you are wondering here: March 29th is the transfer date for 18 months- I worked it out ha ha -Serena)


Dia de Madre and Reunions

 My Dearest Family and Friends,

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!! No I’m not just crazy, another Costa Rican “Dia de Madre” come and gone. These Looney Tunes celebrate their mothers August 15th instead of May. (Secretly I hoped they’d let us call our moms too,,, but no such luck.) I am so grateful this week for all the moms of the world!! My mom, my sisters, my grandmas, great-grandmas, aunts, cousins, etc... Especially this week, there were two things that made me reaffirmed my honor for these mothers in Zion.  I’m so proud of my one and only sister in law Georgia. Congratulations Georgia and Bubby!!! Little Annie-Rose is beautiful. Well done :) also at this time of mothers, I just want to take a few minutes to remember my sweet Great Grandma Baines. As I sat here looking at the photos of baby Anastasia I came across one my mom sent me of my bisabuelita (great grandma) with my grandpa holding her, I started to cry remembering all the times we went to see her and looking into her sweet face. Sometimes (because of our giant family and not living there in Omaha, and age) she sometimes wouldn’t know which sister I was, J but she loved me because I was her family. She has been an example of faith, love, strength and perseverance to the end for as long as I can remember. I love you great gramma! You are loved and missed all around the world.

I am just so grateful that the Lord blessed us with these wonderful ladies. Who else in the world cares, worries, thinks, sacrifices, teaches, prayers and loves us more then these earthly angels? Mothers are truly Gods hands to touch the hearts of each of his children.

This week was the happiest I may have ever had. On Sunday I was sitting in Principios del Evangelio with the recent converts and investigators when out the window of the door I saw some very familiar and beloved faces.... JOVANA AND JONI!!!! They brought their whole family to church to visit me!! I wish I had the words to describe the happiness I felt at seeing them. It was like seeing family. It WAS seeing family. She just hugged me for 5 minutes and told me how much they had missed me. The kids jumped on me and clung on me like they hadn’t seen me in 6 months or something... we sat together through the next 2 meetings and Jovana and Kenia never once let me go. After church we took about a gazillion photos and chatted about everything that happened here, while I was home, with hmna Montoya, etc. My family is happily working towards being sealed at the end of November!!! Joni looked so great! We talked a little and he told me that he’s completely overcome his addictions. The only thing he drinks is coffee made from corn (which is okay if you didn’t know). He even quit his job and got a new job so he wouldn’t have to work on Sundays so he could go to church with his family. It was incredible to see the light in his eyes! I saw it before I left, but again he is a changed man. That how conversion goes, little by little, we gain more light and understanding. I love seeing the light spark in people’s eyes!!

This week we found a new family. My companion and I fell in love with them the first time we saw them.. One night we were walking by when we saw this gigantic family playing out on the sidewalk, we wanted to talk to them but were with a member on the way to an appointment so we wrote down their address so we could come back. After our appointment my companion told me, "Hermana we have to go back and meet them. When we were walking I turned around and I saw them in White!!!" so we went back the next day to meet them and set an appointment. When we showed up to our appointment on Saturday we got to meet them all. A family of 5! The dad had them all come out and sit on the couch and they were so reverent and actually paid attention. We read Alma 7:11-14 and explained a little about the atonement, the book of Mormon and the restoration. We gave them a pamphlet and asked if they would read it together as a family. They said they’d read it only if we came back again to explain it. Claro que yes! As we were leaving the littlest boy (9 yrs old) asked if when we came back we could bring him a copy of the book of Mormon cause he was curious. We surprised him and gave him one right then! We have a lot of work to do with them, lots of things to teach, etc. etc. but never have I felt so strongly about helping a family before. And plus, my companion saw them in white!

Another miracle we had this week was Ricardo. He’s a friend of a member and he likes to come listen to us. He also likes to argue with us...... he’s very very very smart and knows the bible like the back of his hand. This week we taught him the restoration. It was kind of a process cause he interrupted us a lot and asked lots of weird unrelated questions, but at the end my companion just bore her testimony really simply and he sat there quiet for the first time the whole lesson. We were able to explain that the evidence we have of everything (joseph smith, the true organization of the church, the priesthood) is the book of Mormon. Before he wouldn’t even touch it because he thought it was blasphemy, but then we told him all he had to do to know the truth was read it and pray. He sat quiet for a few minutes and then snatched it off the table and said fine fine ill read it then. Only 530 pages? Give me a week..... Hahaha:) uuusshh!

Anyways, those were my wonderful experiences from this week. I love being a missionary. I love preaching the gospel. I love the church and the book of Mormon and the prophet and the simplicity of it all! I am so blessed. I love you guys and pray for you always:) hope all is well in la casa!

All my hope love and prayers,
 Hermana Kugath


A Sweet Letter

Dearest Familia y Friends...

According to preach my gospel, "Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord WILL fulfill his promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm and patient perseverance". Hope is the theme of my letter this week. I’ve been studying this attribute of Christ this week and the more I study it the more filled with hope I feel! Since returning to the mission field I have felt this joy in my heart just expanding so rapidly that sometimes I’m afraid it will burst! It’s not the happiness I felt before or the excitement of being home or not like anything I’ve ever felt, its real pure lasting gozo(joy)! Let me see if I can try and explain it. As I search for the ways the Lord has fulfilled his promises to me I am surprised by how quickly and abundantly I can find his blessings. When I was reset apart I received one of the most specific and beautiful blessings I’ve ever heard and I’d like to share a small part of it with you. I was promised that....

My healing would be continued and expedited...  every morning I’ve woken up without pain in my foot at all and been able to do a full normal work out. Last P-day we even played bola (soccer) for like 2 hours! Although I was sore by the end of the day... so was everyone else. This week we even hit a day of 25000 steps (10.5 miles) I always come home swollen but very rarely am I bothered by the pain.

My love for the people would be rekindled more powerfully... If you can believe it I’ve only been here 3 weeks and I already love the investigators, less actives, and members with all my heart. I can honestly look at them as my brothers and sisters. It makes me so sad when I see them not progressing, almost to the point of wanting to cry sometimes. I want, more then anything, for them to accept the gospel. I find joy in their smallest achievement and am as proud as any mom when they choose the right for themselves. Being a missionary has got to feel something like being a parent. You laugh with them, you teach them, you listen to them and comfort them, sometimes you feel frustrated when they’re obviously not listening to you... but as you watch them grow (spiritually in my case) you love them more each day.

I will be led to several homes and families who will accept the gospel... My companion and I teaching pool consists of almost pure families. (A "family" as constituted by the church is a mother, father and children). Anyone we teach who isn’t in a "family" has members of their family who are already members of the church. So it makes it much easier to teach. Not everyone is married, so were keeping our fingers crossed for a few bodas! (Weddings!!) Anyways, this week we had a super sweet teaching experience. We went to visit one of my favorite families and taught them the restoration by making a cheesecake! haha. We taught them that just like every ingredient is important in the recipe, every "ingredient" in Christ’s church was necessary. For example if you took out the sugar or the cream cheese it wouldn’t taste the same just like if you took out the apostles or the priesthood out of the church it wouldn’t be following the recipe and thus wouldn’t be Christ’s church. It helped the little kids to understand the concept and it was also fun and delicious for us!

My companion will be someone that I had a relationship with before the world was... I love Hermana Mendoza!!!! She is one of the most wonderful, sweet, kind people I’ve ever met. From the first day she and I just kind of clicked into our companionship. She is always serving me by making me breakfast or making my bed or getting up early to exercise with me. She never complains and she is always so smiley it’s impossible to be gloomy. This week we were walking home one night when she told me that she was so happy that I was her companion now because she used to not like being a missionary (she only has about 2 months in the field). She told me how her old companion hadn’t been very nice to her and made her cry a lot... I wanted to cry just listening to her! But she told me that now she loves waking up every morning and working together. It was very special.

Anyways, Gotta go...

All my love. Keep the Hope!
Hermana Kugath


Hermana Kugath (BYUI visits Costa Rica)

Dearest Familia and Friends...

Wow. Time sure seems to fly when you’re having fun and working hard right?? I can’t really believe this is already my second P-day back. It’s loco how so much happens in one week while at the same time you feel like it was only yesterday that you were here in this same seat feeling this same strange feeling haha. I’m sorry, I sort of forgot how to speak English so writing it is even harder. The theme of this letter is mosiah 15:7 "allowing our will to be swallowed up in the will of the Father".

Sometimes the Father wills that you have a second hot shower in a house of 4 mujeres... no complaints there.  Other times the Father wills that we get to go to a suuuuuper awesome dance performance by my very favorite BYUI team! Holy bananas they were amazing. I felt like Rexburg was having a huge get together there in the Costa Rican Theater. I’ve never been with so many people from Idaho at the same time in the same room during my mission. It was awesome! Even just to see a familiar face like Kendall Egbert’s brought the feeling of home to my heart. Their whole program was about the family and though at least 80 percent of the audience was already LDS there were at least a few who got to feel the spirit for the first time. I even heard some investigators called the missionaries the next morning and told them that the baile made them feel the need to be baptized hahaha. And sometimes Heavenly Father lets it be your companions birthday and she turns 24 and your cook gives you guys a huuge cake that takes you literally a week to eat!!! Those are the easy moments. The times where it’s like okay Lord have it your way, that’s fiiine by me.

Then there’s those moments when he lets your brothers and sisters have their agency.... those moments aren’t so hard to accept. Some days are puro rejection... of you, of your message, of todo. But no one likes to talk about those moments because they aren’t the ones that really matter! So just know that although it isn’t always easy to submit our will to His, but if we do, he can take even the painful things and use them, for our eternal benefit.

Just a few other fun notices from this week. Elder Lopez was one of my ZL waaaay back. He’s from Costa Rica and he was serving here. But he finished his mission and came home, to OUR ward!!! It’s awesome, if a little scary. It makes me feel the need to be even better, even more obedient missionary but that’s a good thing, it also gives us a fifth half missionary in our ward!!! uuuushsh! Also, I may have mentioned this last week, but the gift of tongues is freaking crazy. When I left my Spanish was so so right? While I was home I used it a little... but now my Spanish is faaar better then it was even before I left! Blows my mind every day. I love speaking Spanish. But sometimes ill be saying a sentence and right in the middle or at the end a word in English slips out and I don’t even notice until I see the semi confused looks haha.

Anyways, I love you all and hope you know that I sincerely pray for you each day. By name. Unfortunately I don’t have the leisure to be able to write each of you a personal note every week. Please forgive me if I don’t respond... I appreciate your letters and love hearing anything and everything from home! You’re in my heart and prayers.

All my love,
Hermana Kugath


1st Letter Back

Thanks for all the support this last 6 months- This picture was sent by the nurse who cared for Aleena before she left and was so happy to see her back that she told me that she flew across the chapel and scooped her into her arms. :)

Querida Familia Mia....

I’m back!!!! Wow this has been a whirlwind roller coaster of a ride. But all I can really think about is that I’m back. I’m going to tell you all about my travel here but you should know that the moment I walked out the doors of the airport it felt like I was really breathing for the first time in 6 months. Almost everything is exactly how I left it. So fun travel story right, so my first two flights were rather boring, lots of "oh sister are you headed home?" comments from members in the airport though.. One brother even bought me a Jamba juice! But it really got interesting on the flight to Costa Rica. I shared the plane with the WHOLE COSTA RICAN soccer team!!!!! You know, the ones, EVERYONE here is crazy about. I sat right between two of Costa Rica’s finest athletes on our 4-hour flight. No se preocupen (don’t worry), I definitely invited them both to church;) haha they probably thought I was psycho. Anyways, basically the whole country was waiting to receive them outside the airport so when I walked out there were tons of cameras flashing in my face and people screaming etc. etc. and I of course was all, everyone calm down its just me, but yes I’m back! Somehow president Hayes found me in the mess and saved me from the paparazzi who wanted to know all about the missionary friend of the team;)

So anyways, my companions name is Hermana Mendoza. She is from Puebla Mexico and I am finishing her training. So she’s my adopted hija! Were working in an area called Gravilias. It’s right here close to san José and we actually live in the mission house (where all the Hermana’s come to stay the night.) so its huge! Which is awesome. I have an oven, a microwave a normal size fridge a blender and a freezer! oooosshhh. There are also 3 bathrooms but only 1 with hot water, so with 4 girls living here you can imagine the morning fights. jk were representatives of Christ, we share. Although having a big house is nice it also mean a lot of cleaning and a lot of dare I say, spiders... yuck. So we’ve spent most of p day cleaning it out.  Were also spoiled because our chapel is the stake center. I’m moving up in the world! house, to box chapel, to stake center! They just split our area into two and so there’s 4 hermanas. But three of us just arrived so it’s been interesting getting to know the area. The other sisters get the area down below close to the chapel and everyday we have to walk this loooong hill to get to our area. But its nothing like the hills of Moravia so for that I’m grateful. Everyday we walk about 15,000 steps. for those of you who don’t speak fit bit that’s between 6 and 7 miles. My foot is holding up although between insanity in the morning and working all day I do come home a little inflated a little sore and real tired. Its funny but as we walk my attention is now drawn to the sewers along the road... let me tell you, some of them are bien feos! (real ugly). They scare me and now I take a looong walk around them. Some have steep declines into them others nasty bars poking out and all kinds of things. Needless to say I am very aware of where they are now.

Mommy I don’t want you to worry, I am getting fed so great! Our cook is just fabulous. Every day its something different and she makes sure we have fruits, vegetables and meat every day. I am in love with her cooking. Again, we don’t usually eat dinner but the granola bars and peanuts that you sent with me (along with the beef jerky that may or may not be gone ya....) really help. I don’t even come home hungry! And every one knows that a fully missionary is a happy missionary. The members also spoil us. I’ve already eaten at a few of their houses and whenever we pass the offer us un fresco y galletas (a drink and cookies). Last night I had a huge surprise!!!! Hermana Indira and José Pablo (the ones who let me use their computer at Christmas) from Moravia surprised us at our house!!! They brought us a warm loaf of banana bread and she just hugged me for like 19 minutes telling me how happy she was that I was back. It was so sweet and I was so excited to see her.

Finally to the mission stuff. I love being a missionary. I love having hours everyday to read the scriptures and the opportunity to talk to people all day long. Its still hard and sometimes awkward but I love it. The lord has blessed me with an instant return of the gift of tongues. My Spanish is actually better then when I first left! I understand almost everything and can say what I want to. I feel so happy and comfortable as a returned missionary that its surprised even me. Its just like riding a bike;) The thing I enjoy now more then before is really having the opportunity to listen and follow the spirit. One thing I have learned this last year is I know exactly when it’s talking to me. It tells me to stop and talk to such and such person and I do it, no hesitation this time. Yesterday we had a huge stake conference here in Gravilias. They were able to finally form 2 new stakes here! We spilt off Estaca Los Joses and Estaca Cartago!!! Although the church is just starting to grow here its a big thing! It’s was a very spiritual experience too. My favorite thing that was said, and it applies to our family too is "in the church, when we divide it so that we can be made stronger". I loved that thought. It feels a little like our family (spatially at least) has been divided Jesse, maddie, josh and I all gone but look how much joy and strength we’ve added because of it. 2 brothers in laws, 1 new sister, 3 nieces, and well me... haha with a stronger more sure testimony! We were also encouraged to change our mantra from pura vida to vida pura. to live a pure life. It was a very sweet experience.  Anyways, running out of time. Sorry if I didn’t answer all your questions. I love and miss you all like crazy but I’m here on purpose. besos!!
All my love,
Hermana Kugath


Transferred... Back to Costa Rica!

ALEENA has been medically cleared and has received a call to return to her mission in Costa Rica on or about July 20th. Thank you for all of the prayers said on her behalf, we as a family are so grateful for your support of her.

Here is a brief excerpt from Aleena's last letter- over 5 months ago!

After getting home, eating a beautiful Italian dinner, and spending a little time with the fam, the moment that I'd been dreading came…. My stake president came over and asked me to remove my plaque... That was hard; I mean talk about an identity crisis! I’d put that badge on every morning for the last 8 months and now they wanted me to take it off? I didn’t cooperate easily, but finally I was able to do it with the promise that one day I’d get to put it back on.

This has been a long physical, emotional and spiritual road! There were times when we were not sure if Aleena could return, if she would return, or if she would get to return to Costa Rica. But even through the pain and the inevitable "whys?" We don't think Aleena had to return to her mission to please Heavenly Father or her mission president or her companion, her service could have been acceptable. We are just mostly so grateful that through this Aleena has maintained her trust in an all knowing and all loving Heavenly Father. As parents, we are not only proud of her willingness to serve and her example to her brothers but mostly her love of the Lord. We know intellectually that this life is messy ... but this trial was very unexpected and Ali has handled it with faith and perseverance.

Thanks again for your past and continued support of this Hermana,
The Kugaths


Home Again

My Dearest Family, Friends, and Fans…

            Hey EveryoneJ Well by now I expect that almost everyone has heard about my “little accident” last week. Okay, well it wasn’t exactly little because well, they sent me home… So now here I am still writing the weekly letter for everyone who 1. Doesn’t have Facebook or 2. My mom hasn’t already called haha. So let me tell you a brief summary of the incident and this last week. Last Wednesday my companion and I were walking home at about 8:30 at night. It was getting real dark (and the neighborhood we were in isn’t really into streetlights…) and it had been raining all day long. We started down a street but decided to turn around and find a way with more light and less mud. We were just walking along when, like the clumsy Hermana I am, I stepped right into an uncovered sewer drain… filled with water from the rains it was level with the road. My right foot plunged in so far I couldn’t touch the bottom, unfortunately my left foot stayed on the outside (just imagine like a hurdler, one leg straight and the other all bent up). Luckily my arms and backpack saved me from going further in, but I still got totally covered in agua sucia up to my waist. My companion heard my scream, turned around and like a true friend, began to laugh, until she heard me sobbing…. I don’t know how, but she managed to pull me up and out of that horrid hole. I was crying more then a little because well I was covered in sewage, I was soaked and freezing and I saw my foot all sorts of misshapen. I remember that through my shivers and through the pain I could only think “please don’t send me home, please please don’t let this send me home”…
            The rest of the night was a blur in the hospital and back home again. The next 2 days we spent in the house waiting for the swelling to go down so we could get a more accurate diagnosis. Friday we went back to see the doctor and he explained what had happened to my foot. It turns out I had not only broken my foot but also snapped the ligament that held all my toes together and in place. When he told me that the recovery time would be at lease 6 weeks it felt like a dagger to my heart…. The church has a policy that if an injury takes more then 2 weeks to heal up then they just send the missionary home until they are well enough to come back. So I knew my future. The next morning Sister Wilkinson (my mission president’s wife) called to tell me that they had gotten me a flight home and that I wouldn’t even have to wait till the next week, but that I would be flying home THAT NIGHT!!! And so by 11 pm I was in the airport on my way back to Rexburg. 13 hours, 4 airports and 1 looooong fast I finally got to Idaho Falls walked down the escalators and into the arms of my very favorite 17 people in all the world. There were tears people. Giant alligator tears.
            After getting home, eating a beautiful Italian dinner, and spending a little time with the fam, the moment that Id been dreading came…. My stake president came over and asked me to remove my plaque... That was hard; I mean talk about an identity crisis! I’d put that badge on every morning for the last 8 months and now they wanted me to take it off? I didn’t cooperate easily, but finally I was able to do it with the promise that one day I’d get to put it back on. The rest of this week has been a string of doctors, nurses, surgery, medication, pain, etc. I got my foot operated on Monday afternoon (they put in 1 long screw and 2 staples to hold my bones in place and restitched all of the ligaments together) and I spent that night and the next morning in the hospital. When I got home I thought the pain battle was over, but over the next 4 days I struggled with extreme nausea and fatigue due to the medication. I couldn’t keep any food down at all and suffered through what I see as the most painfully long day of my life.
            So, for now I’m on house arrest for the next 6 weeks, at least while I don’t put ANY weight on it. Then it will take me another 4 to 6 weeks of rehab before I can get back out to the field and work like a missionary. Physically I’ve had worse, but spiritually this has been one of the greatest trials I’ve ever had to face. Getting out on my mission was so much time waiting and preparing and so to be home doing it again will definitely be a grand trial. But if there’s one thing I learned from being a missionary its that No Matter What, I can place all my confidence and trust in my Heavenly Father and in his perfect and divine plan for my life. I didn’t have a miracle healing in Costa Rica, I wanted one, I didn’t want to leave. BUT the fact that I didn’t, that my foot wasn’t made whole, is just a testament that there IS a purpose for me to be home here and now. I know that God does all things with the well being and happiness of his children in mind so I can’t help but think that here my purpose is even greater then it would have been had I stayed in Costa Rica. There’s a hymn that comes to my mind when I think about being at home after only 8 months of service it says, “I’ll go where you want me to go Dear Lord, over mountain or plane or sea, I’ll say what you want me to say Dear Lord, I’ll be what you want me to be”… I will go where he wants me to go, even though that means Going home. I will say what he wants me to say. And I Will BE what he wants me to be, although maybe he doesn’t want me to be a missionary right now, even though he just wants me to be little normal Aleena again.
            Well I hope yall enjoyed this novel of my mission tragedy. I am forever grateful for all of your consistent love, support and prayers while I have been serving a mission. I would appreciate if you could keep me in them a little while longer, through this temporary mission interruption. I have been so richly blessed by the people I know and love, I hardly have room to complain about my foot! Prayers from my beloved RexburgJ

All my Love-