
Feliz Navidad

My very dearest familia...

I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! I know it’s only the 22, but I can’t say it next week cause it will be after Christmas and everyone knows that it just weird to say it afterward haha. YAY for the most wonderful time of the year. I have so much I want to tell you this week so I hope I can get to all of it.

Holy Christmas package mommy!!! Never in my life have I seen a package so big. There we are in the middle of our Christmas dinner, handing out packages and this elder comes walking up with the most gigantic, most beautiful box anyone’s ever seen. My first thought was "wow, somebodies mom REEEEAAAAALLLLLY loves them" and then the second thought "wait wait wait that’s MY MOMS handwriting I know it!!!!” sure enough the elder delivered the blessed package right to my seat and I just held it on my lap laughing and hugging the box as if it were one of you in real life:):):) the truth is that the size and the contents of the box aren’t what filled my heart with joy and eyes with tears, but to see the cost of the postage, the beautiful photos of Christ and the carefully translated Spanish phrases on the side and knowing that the package represented a sacrifice from the ones I love most in the world. Everyone else in the room must have thought I was just another spoiled gringa, but I know the time energy money love and sacrifice that the box contains.):):):) Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!!!!!

So let me tell you a little about this last week! It has been the week of fiestas (parties). It seems like everyone wants to have a birthday in December. On top of that everyone here is in full Christmas celebration mode which means turrialba is over flowing with tamales, queque (cake!) and gringos haha. This last week we had 2 birthday parties, and a ward, relief society and mission Christmas party! So I guess were not exactly suffering. Just gotta throw in a quick shoutout to my mom for teaching me how to cook because this last week I made the best lasagna ever and also a cake (yeah from a box, but the frosting was from scratch!). I’ve missed being in the kitchen but it was a sweet little blessing to get to cook for a few people. Other GREAT NEWS!! This week we signed the contract for our new apartment. What a relief! Believe me I am grateful to have a roof over my head right now, but ill be even more grateful when we have a roof and a working toilet, shower and lights haha. Next week we get to move in, yay! What a blessing. The family that owns it is so nice too. Their little boy Brandon is 6 and is igualito to cannon they could be twins! He even has that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Hopefully we can start to teach them too, double win.
  Anyways this week besides just partying we have been working a little too;) we’ve had countless opportunities this week to testify of the saviors birth, life, death and resurrection. As hard as the world tries Christmas will always be filled with the spirit of Christ and bring us happiness as we reflect on and rejoice in his birth. Last night at the Mission Christmas Party President Hayes taught us a really important principle. He reminded us that never in history had Bethlehem been an important city in Israel. To this day the people don’t regard it as much. People would rather visit Miami or LA then visit the site of the Lords birthplace. So we know that it maybe wasn’t the biggest, most impressive, most beautiful city.... but from it came the greatest, most wonderful, most perfect person who has ever walked the Earth. Our Savior. He taught us that we are like Bethlehem. We also might not be the grandest or most impressive but if we follow His ways we can become like he is, perfected. We can do small miracles everyday in the lives of those around us and that is what counts. For from small and simple means are great things brought to pass! I challenge you to BE the small means that the Lord can use to bring to pass his grand designs. President also counseled us that in this next year we can DO Better and BE Better. I know that those words are true for each of us. As we strive to DO and BE better we will one day achieve our true potential as children of Heavenly Father.

I just want you all to know that I love you so, so very much. If this mission has served for one purpose it has taught me to love, appreciate and treasure the people God has placed in my family and in my life. I love, think about, care for, pray for and miss Each and every one of you. Thank you for your prayers in my behalf and know that you are my reasons for being here and helping the families of Costa Rica to receive they joy we have:) prayers from Costa Rica!

Hermana Kugath


Festival de las Luzes (Parade of Lights)

Dear Family,

 Christmas right????? Yay for all things Christmas! What a beautiful week it has been. it has been a week full of lights, festivals and singing santas! Everyone here is in the Christmas mood and that means a whole ton of missionary work to be done:) I love this season because people’s hearts are a little more open and a little more receptive. My favorite thing is to watch the new videos from the church about Christmas. Saturday was la festival de las luzes and in an hour we talked to about 100 people and we shared all these little cards with the link to watch A Savior Is Born, it was awesome! On the down side we never actually got to see any of the parade because it was taking fooooorrreeever. But that wasn’t what was really important anyways.

This week we had our zone meeting and we got to meet everyone in our new zone. It was really awesome because we talked a lot about how much we love our families and how in the mission the zone becomes our family. We know that the basic unit of society is the family (or a couple) but the basic unit of society in the mission is the companionship. That means that our companion is the most important person (besides the Lord and president). Then they asked us what would you loose if you didn’t watch out for your companion? The answer: everything. So I ask the same question to each of you, what would you loose? The family is ordained of God. Take care of your companions, watch out for them and love them. Serve them. Especially at Christmas time:) family is and always will be our most valuable treasure.

Wish I had more to say this week guys, promise next week I’ll be funner:)

Prayers from Costa Rica!
All My Love,
Hermana Kugath

P.S. We won’t write until Tuesday or Wednesday next week so now worries.


Turrialba and Mazariegos (pronounce that)

Dearest Familia.....

2 and a half weeks till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Yay!

Okay well let me tell you all about these crazy transfers we had! My new companion is named Hermana Mazariegos:) she’s from Guatemala- somewhere in the South- haha I can't remember the name. She is the cutest, tiniest, funnest, happiest, youngest companion I’ve ever had. We get along really well and things are going to be excellent here! My new area is called Turrialba. It’s in Zona Cartago and about 2 to 2 and a half hours away from San José. (I’m finally out of the city!). My area is beautiful. So much green things all around and so much mountains. Its like they landed me in the Rexburg of Costa Rica. Were surrounded by mountains (and volcanoes!) (except our Idaho ones are DORMANT!) and we live in this beautiful valley. There’s a huge river that cuts through the middle of our area and so we get to cross it every day. Sometimes the bridges are a little sketchy but its okay. Our chapel is under construction right now so were currently meeting in a high school gym. It’s a little different but it’s definitely an experience! There are 2 other elders in our area and it’s a good thing because our area is GIGANTIC!!!! I mean wow is it big. We have to travel 1 hour to get to district meeting and 2 to get to zone meetings, which is kind of a pain, but there’s worse things. The area is so big that we talk to many more people daily. My house....... could use a little work. We actually get to look for a new one because everything in the old one is broken (we have to turn the shower on with a wrench, the toilet is kinda a mini disaster, etc.) so that’s awesome cause we get to pick out where well be living! Also my cook is a dream!!! I was worried about leaving Gravilias because our cook there always spoiled us with fruit and vegetables etc. but Maribel is just as excellent! Every day we get meat and fruit and even sometimes dessert! But no worries there’s so much walking to do that it doesn’t stay around long. I’m super excited about working here because the ward is great! We have a great ward mission leader who’s really excited and a lot of support from the leaders (just something funny, the counselor of the bishop is named Juan Bautista or John Baptist Haha).

We have some really great investigators and people to work with. One of my favorites is named Bella (her name means beautiful Haha!). I’ve noticed something beautiful about her and about the other investigators here, when we enter the house they turn off the TV, they pull out their scriptures and they’re just well ready. It’s awesome! We don’t even tell them, they just know! My companion has done an excellent work in this area and I’m very excited to get to work here with her as we elevate ourselves to a new level of missionary work.

Anyways, I’m running a little short on time here so I gotta run, but just know that im happy, healthy, and loving the mission. If I could ask for one thing it would be please pray for me to be able to sleep at night, I’ve been waking up tired and its hard to focus and give my all when I’m so tired. Thanks:). Well I love you all, I miss you all, and I can't wait for Christmas!!!!! Yay:) prayers from Costa Rica!

All my Love,
Hermana Kugath