
1st Letter Back

Thanks for all the support this last 6 months- This picture was sent by the nurse who cared for Aleena before she left and was so happy to see her back that she told me that she flew across the chapel and scooped her into her arms. :)

Querida Familia Mia....

I’m back!!!! Wow this has been a whirlwind roller coaster of a ride. But all I can really think about is that I’m back. I’m going to tell you all about my travel here but you should know that the moment I walked out the doors of the airport it felt like I was really breathing for the first time in 6 months. Almost everything is exactly how I left it. So fun travel story right, so my first two flights were rather boring, lots of "oh sister are you headed home?" comments from members in the airport though.. One brother even bought me a Jamba juice! But it really got interesting on the flight to Costa Rica. I shared the plane with the WHOLE COSTA RICAN soccer team!!!!! You know, the ones, EVERYONE here is crazy about. I sat right between two of Costa Rica’s finest athletes on our 4-hour flight. No se preocupen (don’t worry), I definitely invited them both to church;) haha they probably thought I was psycho. Anyways, basically the whole country was waiting to receive them outside the airport so when I walked out there were tons of cameras flashing in my face and people screaming etc. etc. and I of course was all, everyone calm down its just me, but yes I’m back! Somehow president Hayes found me in the mess and saved me from the paparazzi who wanted to know all about the missionary friend of the team;)

So anyways, my companions name is Hermana Mendoza. She is from Puebla Mexico and I am finishing her training. So she’s my adopted hija! Were working in an area called Gravilias. It’s right here close to san José and we actually live in the mission house (where all the Hermana’s come to stay the night.) so its huge! Which is awesome. I have an oven, a microwave a normal size fridge a blender and a freezer! oooosshhh. There are also 3 bathrooms but only 1 with hot water, so with 4 girls living here you can imagine the morning fights. jk were representatives of Christ, we share. Although having a big house is nice it also mean a lot of cleaning and a lot of dare I say, spiders... yuck. So we’ve spent most of p day cleaning it out.  Were also spoiled because our chapel is the stake center. I’m moving up in the world! house, to box chapel, to stake center! They just split our area into two and so there’s 4 hermanas. But three of us just arrived so it’s been interesting getting to know the area. The other sisters get the area down below close to the chapel and everyday we have to walk this loooong hill to get to our area. But its nothing like the hills of Moravia so for that I’m grateful. Everyday we walk about 15,000 steps. for those of you who don’t speak fit bit that’s between 6 and 7 miles. My foot is holding up although between insanity in the morning and working all day I do come home a little inflated a little sore and real tired. Its funny but as we walk my attention is now drawn to the sewers along the road... let me tell you, some of them are bien feos! (real ugly). They scare me and now I take a looong walk around them. Some have steep declines into them others nasty bars poking out and all kinds of things. Needless to say I am very aware of where they are now.

Mommy I don’t want you to worry, I am getting fed so great! Our cook is just fabulous. Every day its something different and she makes sure we have fruits, vegetables and meat every day. I am in love with her cooking. Again, we don’t usually eat dinner but the granola bars and peanuts that you sent with me (along with the beef jerky that may or may not be gone ya....) really help. I don’t even come home hungry! And every one knows that a fully missionary is a happy missionary. The members also spoil us. I’ve already eaten at a few of their houses and whenever we pass the offer us un fresco y galletas (a drink and cookies). Last night I had a huge surprise!!!! Hermana Indira and José Pablo (the ones who let me use their computer at Christmas) from Moravia surprised us at our house!!! They brought us a warm loaf of banana bread and she just hugged me for like 19 minutes telling me how happy she was that I was back. It was so sweet and I was so excited to see her.

Finally to the mission stuff. I love being a missionary. I love having hours everyday to read the scriptures and the opportunity to talk to people all day long. Its still hard and sometimes awkward but I love it. The lord has blessed me with an instant return of the gift of tongues. My Spanish is actually better then when I first left! I understand almost everything and can say what I want to. I feel so happy and comfortable as a returned missionary that its surprised even me. Its just like riding a bike;) The thing I enjoy now more then before is really having the opportunity to listen and follow the spirit. One thing I have learned this last year is I know exactly when it’s talking to me. It tells me to stop and talk to such and such person and I do it, no hesitation this time. Yesterday we had a huge stake conference here in Gravilias. They were able to finally form 2 new stakes here! We spilt off Estaca Los Joses and Estaca Cartago!!! Although the church is just starting to grow here its a big thing! It’s was a very spiritual experience too. My favorite thing that was said, and it applies to our family too is "in the church, when we divide it so that we can be made stronger". I loved that thought. It feels a little like our family (spatially at least) has been divided Jesse, maddie, josh and I all gone but look how much joy and strength we’ve added because of it. 2 brothers in laws, 1 new sister, 3 nieces, and well me... haha with a stronger more sure testimony! We were also encouraged to change our mantra from pura vida to vida pura. to live a pure life. It was a very sweet experience.  Anyways, running out of time. Sorry if I didn’t answer all your questions. I love and miss you all like crazy but I’m here on purpose. besos!!
All my love,
Hermana Kugath


Transferred... Back to Costa Rica!

ALEENA has been medically cleared and has received a call to return to her mission in Costa Rica on or about July 20th. Thank you for all of the prayers said on her behalf, we as a family are so grateful for your support of her.

Here is a brief excerpt from Aleena's last letter- over 5 months ago!

After getting home, eating a beautiful Italian dinner, and spending a little time with the fam, the moment that I'd been dreading came…. My stake president came over and asked me to remove my plaque... That was hard; I mean talk about an identity crisis! I’d put that badge on every morning for the last 8 months and now they wanted me to take it off? I didn’t cooperate easily, but finally I was able to do it with the promise that one day I’d get to put it back on.

This has been a long physical, emotional and spiritual road! There were times when we were not sure if Aleena could return, if she would return, or if she would get to return to Costa Rica. But even through the pain and the inevitable "whys?" We don't think Aleena had to return to her mission to please Heavenly Father or her mission president or her companion, her service could have been acceptable. We are just mostly so grateful that through this Aleena has maintained her trust in an all knowing and all loving Heavenly Father. As parents, we are not only proud of her willingness to serve and her example to her brothers but mostly her love of the Lord. We know intellectually that this life is messy ... but this trial was very unexpected and Ali has handled it with faith and perseverance.

Thanks again for your past and continued support of this Hermana,
The Kugaths