
Aleena's Return Date

Aleena has been wrestling this week about when to come home from her mission, she was given the choice, to return when she would have before the injury, or to extend to a full 18 months (or somewhere in between) This was a super difficult decision for her because between working to earn money for her mission and the timing of her call, she is soon to be turning 21 and has yet to go to college. Until this week she did not know the answer.

My Most Darling Family and Friends....

Right away I wanted to shout out...Happy Birthday for sure to my sweet nana!!! What a woman. Turning 29 again right?? And happy birthday also to Colton (and Brittney too ha-ha). Thanks for giving me something else to celebrate!!

This is my scripture of the week:
3 Nephi 18: 24 Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed."

I love this scripture because it says hold up your light! and then it tells us how. When I first read it an image of me dressed as the statue of liberty was the thing that came to mind ha-ha but as I pondered on its and prayed to know I could hold up my light it became clear to me that my light was my example and that it shines brightest when my example, my life, reflects the life of my savior. In church videos and photos we see that the Lord Jesus Christ glistens. He beams! I know I don’t understand fully what its like to beam like him, but I imagine its at least a little like the happiness that I carried in my heart this week. It’s that smile that you can’t keep off your face no matter how hard you try, that skip in your step and then happy glow you just feel! This week I had lots of experiences that strengthened my testimony and have helped me be the person I want to be. Every day the lord gives us the opportunity to start the day shining! This week we spent a day in the office getting my huellas (fingerprints) taken again so I can get my Costa Rican residency. (They canceled my other one, hmmm; someone thought I wouldn’t make it back... ha-ha surprise!). I sat waiting in a chair for like 6 hours. I remember the first time I was bored and shy and it was basically a waste of a day, THIS time I took the opportunity to talk to each of my neighbors and even the finger printer guy about the message of the restored gospel. That day yo brille! (I shined:))

We also had divisiones this week with the Hermana especialistas. I sort of got my head chopped (figuratively, bit literally!) and experienced the marvelous truth of repentance. Even missionaries sometimes need to repent ya know.. I learned the importance of being una misionera testificante y desafinate. That means a missionary who testifies and invites people to be baptized. Sometimes I’m a little shy to invite people to make this sacred covenant with the Lord. I feel awkward and not sure what to say. Were supposed to invite them in the first appointment and so sometimes that makes me a little uncomfortable because in my head I say, "I don’t even know these people!!! They’re going to think I’m psycho. They wont accept etc. etc.": but I was taught that this isnt my work. It’s not my mission. If I don’t invite them to be baptized who will?? The Lord knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows what he wants done, as well as when and how he wants them done. Having the opportunity to repent helped me to shine a little brighter.

What does light do for us? Light helps us to see clearly physically as well as spiritually see the will of God for our lives. Having a week so full of light you’d think that everything in my life was clear as crystal right? Well, almost. Ever since I came home 2 questions have nagged and nagged me relentlessly. Will you go back? And for how long?? The first was obvious; the second hung in the dark, scaring me even. Well I’m here to testify that the Lord does not work in the Dark. Through lots of prayer and fasting I’ve been able to bring light to even the darkest, scariest parts of my own mind. This week we had a special women’s conference for Central America with Hermana Nelson as the keynote speaker. It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Before the conference my companion and I started a fast for our investigators and for ourselves... my question "Lord help me to know when you want me to go home". During her talk sister nelson had us all stand and repeat my favorite part of one of the most powerful conference talks of my life. Maybe you’ll remember Jeffrey R Holland’s talk from October 2012. This is what we repeated.... 

Peter, why are you here? Why are we back on this same shore, by these same nets, having this same conversation? Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want fish, I can get fish? What I need, Peter, are disciples—and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do. Ours is not a feeble message. It is not a fleeting task. It is not hapless; it is not hopeless; it is not to be consigned to the ash heap of history. It is the work of Almighty God, and it is to change the world. So, Peter, for the second and presumably the last time, I am asking you to leave all this and to go teach and testify, labor and serve loyally
until the day in which they will do to you exactly what they did to me.”

But this is the conversation I had with the Lord... "Aleena, my daughter, why are we here again? Having these same conversations. Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want you at home that I can get you home? What I need Aleena are missionaries. Disciples. And I need you until March. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone who loves me truly truly loves me. And loves what her Father in Heaven has commissioned her to do. Ours is not a feeble message. It is not a fleeting task of 12 months. It is not hapless it is not hopeless. It is the work of Almighty God and it is to change the WORLD. So Aleena, for the 20th and presumably the last time, I am asking you to go teach and testify and labor and serve loyally until the day that I take you home again."

This week Jesus Christ talked to me. As I stood there having a conversation with him in my mind tears fell, but in my heart I felt peace. I know that the Lord hears our prayers. I know that I matter to him. I know that my decisions, if in line with his will, can help many people. So, I’ve decided to stay:) the Lord wants me to shine a little Longer as Hermana Kugath.

I love you all. You’re in my heart and prayers for always,
All my love,
Hermana Kugath
(If you are wondering here: March 29th is the transfer date for 18 months- I worked it out ha ha -Serena)


Dia de Madre and Reunions

 My Dearest Family and Friends,

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!! No I’m not just crazy, another Costa Rican “Dia de Madre” come and gone. These Looney Tunes celebrate their mothers August 15th instead of May. (Secretly I hoped they’d let us call our moms too,,, but no such luck.) I am so grateful this week for all the moms of the world!! My mom, my sisters, my grandmas, great-grandmas, aunts, cousins, etc... Especially this week, there were two things that made me reaffirmed my honor for these mothers in Zion.  I’m so proud of my one and only sister in law Georgia. Congratulations Georgia and Bubby!!! Little Annie-Rose is beautiful. Well done :) also at this time of mothers, I just want to take a few minutes to remember my sweet Great Grandma Baines. As I sat here looking at the photos of baby Anastasia I came across one my mom sent me of my bisabuelita (great grandma) with my grandpa holding her, I started to cry remembering all the times we went to see her and looking into her sweet face. Sometimes (because of our giant family and not living there in Omaha, and age) she sometimes wouldn’t know which sister I was, J but she loved me because I was her family. She has been an example of faith, love, strength and perseverance to the end for as long as I can remember. I love you great gramma! You are loved and missed all around the world.

I am just so grateful that the Lord blessed us with these wonderful ladies. Who else in the world cares, worries, thinks, sacrifices, teaches, prayers and loves us more then these earthly angels? Mothers are truly Gods hands to touch the hearts of each of his children.

This week was the happiest I may have ever had. On Sunday I was sitting in Principios del Evangelio with the recent converts and investigators when out the window of the door I saw some very familiar and beloved faces.... JOVANA AND JONI!!!! They brought their whole family to church to visit me!! I wish I had the words to describe the happiness I felt at seeing them. It was like seeing family. It WAS seeing family. She just hugged me for 5 minutes and told me how much they had missed me. The kids jumped on me and clung on me like they hadn’t seen me in 6 months or something... we sat together through the next 2 meetings and Jovana and Kenia never once let me go. After church we took about a gazillion photos and chatted about everything that happened here, while I was home, with hmna Montoya, etc. My family is happily working towards being sealed at the end of November!!! Joni looked so great! We talked a little and he told me that he’s completely overcome his addictions. The only thing he drinks is coffee made from corn (which is okay if you didn’t know). He even quit his job and got a new job so he wouldn’t have to work on Sundays so he could go to church with his family. It was incredible to see the light in his eyes! I saw it before I left, but again he is a changed man. That how conversion goes, little by little, we gain more light and understanding. I love seeing the light spark in people’s eyes!!

This week we found a new family. My companion and I fell in love with them the first time we saw them.. One night we were walking by when we saw this gigantic family playing out on the sidewalk, we wanted to talk to them but were with a member on the way to an appointment so we wrote down their address so we could come back. After our appointment my companion told me, "Hermana we have to go back and meet them. When we were walking I turned around and I saw them in White!!!" so we went back the next day to meet them and set an appointment. When we showed up to our appointment on Saturday we got to meet them all. A family of 5! The dad had them all come out and sit on the couch and they were so reverent and actually paid attention. We read Alma 7:11-14 and explained a little about the atonement, the book of Mormon and the restoration. We gave them a pamphlet and asked if they would read it together as a family. They said they’d read it only if we came back again to explain it. Claro que yes! As we were leaving the littlest boy (9 yrs old) asked if when we came back we could bring him a copy of the book of Mormon cause he was curious. We surprised him and gave him one right then! We have a lot of work to do with them, lots of things to teach, etc. etc. but never have I felt so strongly about helping a family before. And plus, my companion saw them in white!

Another miracle we had this week was Ricardo. He’s a friend of a member and he likes to come listen to us. He also likes to argue with us...... he’s very very very smart and knows the bible like the back of his hand. This week we taught him the restoration. It was kind of a process cause he interrupted us a lot and asked lots of weird unrelated questions, but at the end my companion just bore her testimony really simply and he sat there quiet for the first time the whole lesson. We were able to explain that the evidence we have of everything (joseph smith, the true organization of the church, the priesthood) is the book of Mormon. Before he wouldn’t even touch it because he thought it was blasphemy, but then we told him all he had to do to know the truth was read it and pray. He sat quiet for a few minutes and then snatched it off the table and said fine fine ill read it then. Only 530 pages? Give me a week..... Hahaha:) uuusshh!

Anyways, those were my wonderful experiences from this week. I love being a missionary. I love preaching the gospel. I love the church and the book of Mormon and the prophet and the simplicity of it all! I am so blessed. I love you guys and pray for you always:) hope all is well in la casa!

All my hope love and prayers,
 Hermana Kugath


A Sweet Letter

Dearest Familia y Friends...

According to preach my gospel, "Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord WILL fulfill his promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm and patient perseverance". Hope is the theme of my letter this week. I’ve been studying this attribute of Christ this week and the more I study it the more filled with hope I feel! Since returning to the mission field I have felt this joy in my heart just expanding so rapidly that sometimes I’m afraid it will burst! It’s not the happiness I felt before or the excitement of being home or not like anything I’ve ever felt, its real pure lasting gozo(joy)! Let me see if I can try and explain it. As I search for the ways the Lord has fulfilled his promises to me I am surprised by how quickly and abundantly I can find his blessings. When I was reset apart I received one of the most specific and beautiful blessings I’ve ever heard and I’d like to share a small part of it with you. I was promised that....

My healing would be continued and expedited...  every morning I’ve woken up without pain in my foot at all and been able to do a full normal work out. Last P-day we even played bola (soccer) for like 2 hours! Although I was sore by the end of the day... so was everyone else. This week we even hit a day of 25000 steps (10.5 miles) I always come home swollen but very rarely am I bothered by the pain.

My love for the people would be rekindled more powerfully... If you can believe it I’ve only been here 3 weeks and I already love the investigators, less actives, and members with all my heart. I can honestly look at them as my brothers and sisters. It makes me so sad when I see them not progressing, almost to the point of wanting to cry sometimes. I want, more then anything, for them to accept the gospel. I find joy in their smallest achievement and am as proud as any mom when they choose the right for themselves. Being a missionary has got to feel something like being a parent. You laugh with them, you teach them, you listen to them and comfort them, sometimes you feel frustrated when they’re obviously not listening to you... but as you watch them grow (spiritually in my case) you love them more each day.

I will be led to several homes and families who will accept the gospel... My companion and I teaching pool consists of almost pure families. (A "family" as constituted by the church is a mother, father and children). Anyone we teach who isn’t in a "family" has members of their family who are already members of the church. So it makes it much easier to teach. Not everyone is married, so were keeping our fingers crossed for a few bodas! (Weddings!!) Anyways, this week we had a super sweet teaching experience. We went to visit one of my favorite families and taught them the restoration by making a cheesecake! haha. We taught them that just like every ingredient is important in the recipe, every "ingredient" in Christ’s church was necessary. For example if you took out the sugar or the cream cheese it wouldn’t taste the same just like if you took out the apostles or the priesthood out of the church it wouldn’t be following the recipe and thus wouldn’t be Christ’s church. It helped the little kids to understand the concept and it was also fun and delicious for us!

My companion will be someone that I had a relationship with before the world was... I love Hermana Mendoza!!!! She is one of the most wonderful, sweet, kind people I’ve ever met. From the first day she and I just kind of clicked into our companionship. She is always serving me by making me breakfast or making my bed or getting up early to exercise with me. She never complains and she is always so smiley it’s impossible to be gloomy. This week we were walking home one night when she told me that she was so happy that I was her companion now because she used to not like being a missionary (she only has about 2 months in the field). She told me how her old companion hadn’t been very nice to her and made her cry a lot... I wanted to cry just listening to her! But she told me that now she loves waking up every morning and working together. It was very special.

Anyways, Gotta go...

All my love. Keep the Hope!
Hermana Kugath


Hermana Kugath (BYUI visits Costa Rica)

Dearest Familia and Friends...

Wow. Time sure seems to fly when you’re having fun and working hard right?? I can’t really believe this is already my second P-day back. It’s loco how so much happens in one week while at the same time you feel like it was only yesterday that you were here in this same seat feeling this same strange feeling haha. I’m sorry, I sort of forgot how to speak English so writing it is even harder. The theme of this letter is mosiah 15:7 "allowing our will to be swallowed up in the will of the Father".

Sometimes the Father wills that you have a second hot shower in a house of 4 mujeres... no complaints there.  Other times the Father wills that we get to go to a suuuuuper awesome dance performance by my very favorite BYUI team! Holy bananas they were amazing. I felt like Rexburg was having a huge get together there in the Costa Rican Theater. I’ve never been with so many people from Idaho at the same time in the same room during my mission. It was awesome! Even just to see a familiar face like Kendall Egbert’s brought the feeling of home to my heart. Their whole program was about the family and though at least 80 percent of the audience was already LDS there were at least a few who got to feel the spirit for the first time. I even heard some investigators called the missionaries the next morning and told them that the baile made them feel the need to be baptized hahaha. And sometimes Heavenly Father lets it be your companions birthday and she turns 24 and your cook gives you guys a huuge cake that takes you literally a week to eat!!! Those are the easy moments. The times where it’s like okay Lord have it your way, that’s fiiine by me.

Then there’s those moments when he lets your brothers and sisters have their agency.... those moments aren’t so hard to accept. Some days are puro rejection... of you, of your message, of todo. But no one likes to talk about those moments because they aren’t the ones that really matter! So just know that although it isn’t always easy to submit our will to His, but if we do, he can take even the painful things and use them, for our eternal benefit.

Just a few other fun notices from this week. Elder Lopez was one of my ZL waaaay back. He’s from Costa Rica and he was serving here. But he finished his mission and came home, to OUR ward!!! It’s awesome, if a little scary. It makes me feel the need to be even better, even more obedient missionary but that’s a good thing, it also gives us a fifth half missionary in our ward!!! uuuushsh! Also, I may have mentioned this last week, but the gift of tongues is freaking crazy. When I left my Spanish was so so right? While I was home I used it a little... but now my Spanish is faaar better then it was even before I left! Blows my mind every day. I love speaking Spanish. But sometimes ill be saying a sentence and right in the middle or at the end a word in English slips out and I don’t even notice until I see the semi confused looks haha.

Anyways, I love you all and hope you know that I sincerely pray for you each day. By name. Unfortunately I don’t have the leisure to be able to write each of you a personal note every week. Please forgive me if I don’t respond... I appreciate your letters and love hearing anything and everything from home! You’re in my heart and prayers.

All my love,
Hermana Kugath