
Happy Day

Querida Familia....

Happy Day of love and friendship!!! haha thats what its called here in Costa Rica! its not just about couples but about Friends too and I think that's sweet. I love you guys! Well another cambio has come, but Hermana Mazariegos and I aren't going anywhere:) lucky us we get to stay here in our beautiful Turrialba another transfer, yay!

Well this last week was pretty cool. Our favorite Investigator Adrian got baptized!!! yay yay yay. On Thursday we went over to Hermana Carmen's house with him to watch the movie "the Testament" and it was awesome! The spirit was so powerful and when Jesús came to visit America he had tears rolling out of his eyes. it was the sweetest thing. So Saturday finally came and he got his chance to dress in white! it was like the perfect baptism. The Elders brought one of their investigators, Marcos, who is like a real famous guitar player. He had only heard the song I Feel My Savior's Love 2 times and he already knew how to play it!! so he played for us while we sang and it was so sweet. I'm hoping that they will get married before we have changes again so we both can be here!! Adrian was confirmed on Sunday and also ordained to be a priest:) Yay.

Alfonzo was also confirmed on Sunday. He is just the sweetest old guy! he came to the Adrian's baptism because Adrian had come to his last week and "that's what brothers do". After the baptism he came with us to teach a different recent convert who has been having some problems with café. He encouraged him and cheered him up so much and it was beautiful to see. He said that he's going to make it a priority to come help us teach at least 2 times a week. He also told us about a miracle that happened in his life last week. Last Sunday we told him that he needed to wear a white shirt and tie to church  to be confirmed and he said okay. A few days later he was talking on the pone with his daughter and asking her if she had a long sleeved white shirt he could borrow because he had white shirts but they were all old and short sleeved and he wanted to look just right to receive the Holy Ghost. As he was talking to her he turned around and there on his bed was a brand new, long sleeved white dress shirt:) He says he has no idea where it came from and it was just spread out over his pillow. How aware is the Lord of each of his beloved children! This sweet gentleman has really helped me to become a more compassionate person. He told us that he used to be a drunk and would wander around all night in the streets drinking and doing other things like that.... It made me think of all the guys like that we pass everyday. Sometimes they're stinky or dirty or whatever and it makes me a little sick. but knowing that our Alfonzo was like that, and seeing how he is now gives me hope and a new visión for each of the guys we see in the street now.

Lots of love and prayers for you my dearest family and Friends. youre always in my thoughts and in my heart!

All my love,
Hermana Kugath


I Lava You from Volcano Land

Dearest Family......

Where do i even start? what a busy wonderful week! well go chronologiccally i guess. IM AN AUNTIE!!!!!:) yay for beautiful sweet new babby lizzy! what a wonderful gift stright from heaven. i love you already sweetie pie! you to jesse sam and char bar, congratulations to your family for your new addition!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHIE!!!!! man are you seriously 18 today? youre like huge. it doesnt matter how old you get (or how much more advanced you are in college then i am:P) youll always be my Little bubby who makes me pink milk and likes to watch the mummy until 4am. Love you so much brother and hoping that you have a great birthday! love you, Georgia and baby annie too:)

So its been kind of a party week here too. On Saturday Alfonzo was baptized!! yay:) We were so happy and so proud of him. The New Family in our Ward, the Weavers (we call them la familia gringa) let us use their house and their pool for our baptism! It was much more private and spiritual experience and it was so beautiful! Its still a Little bit far away so not a whole lot of members could come, but enough made the trip that it truly was a celebration. We even made brownies:) you wouldnt believe it but theyre a rare comodidty here in Costa Rica. During the baptism i was talking to Adrian and his fiance Carmen. He looked semi sad semi happy and I asked him what he was feeling. He said he wished that he too could be baptized right that minute but he knew he couldnt because he didnt have white clothes.......awh:) he is the best! good thing his baptism is on Saturday!

 But the woes of not having a chapel always seem to continue. On Sunday Turrialba was all a flurry of political propaganda and things because it was the day to vote. They use all the schools here as the voting centers and nothing else is allowed to go on in them. if you remember weve been meeting in a highschool gym the past few week and so this was kind of a problema for us... But thanks to the restored góspel and really awesome organization the Ward was allowed to bless and partake of the Sacrament in various houses all accross Turrialba. I just miagined like 100 mini sacrament meetings going on and it was actually really beautiful experience. We live right next to the Elders and a few other members so we all got together and had a sweet Little reunión at home. That was the first time ive ever had the sacrament out of normal church. it was cool! Yay for the priesthood and worthy preisthood holders who bless the lives of their family and Friends wherever they are!

Id also like to share a quick miracle that we had this week. On wednesday we went out to this área pretty far from the center and a place we didnt know really well. while we were there i kinda sort of accidentally lost/left our cell phone on the bench at the bus stop. we didnt realize it until we were already all the way back in the center. we went all the way back out there hoping and praying that miracle of miracles it would be there...... it wasnt. we searched and called it and prayed but no luck. the next day the elders came over and told us they had found it! A lady had picked it up and brought it home and later called them to tell them that she had found it. It meant another trip way out there the next day but that was 100 times better then having to go all the way to san jose and facing the shame of telling the secretaries why we needed a new phone haha. Good people are all over the world and i am so grateful and so blessed by their kind and honest actions! this week were going to go and visit the lady who picked up and returned our phone:)

just one last thing. My whole misión ive never had to eat anything weird. Nothing! i hear horror stories of people like my daddy eating baby bird soup or iguana or intestines and pretty much the only thing ive ever eaten is chicken with bones haha.But this week i was super brave and i tried just a Little tiny piece of mondongo (cow tummy) AND octopus tentacle. It was gross. thank heavens we were with two members that love us and so i didnt have to eat much of it, but on the bright side i now have at least 1 story about crazy food to tell my grandchildren. well, i love you guys lots! please be praying for Adrian and Alfonzo this week as they prepare to be baptized and confirmed. Also pray that Hermana Mazariegos and I can have a super stellar, obedient and awesome week since it might be our last week together:( lots of prayers from Costa Rica!

All my Love,
 Hermana Kugath


New Investigator - Andres (A #5) ha ha

Dearest Family,

         Happy Birthday Daddy!!!! Man can you guys believe that it’s February again?? I don’t know if you remember, but exactly a year ago today I came crutching down an escalator in the IF airport:) man how time flies! A year ago I wasn’t sure id ever even walk again haha and look I’m already a missionary again! This week has been a huge week of celebration, reflection and gratitude for me. It just amazes me all that our Heavenly Father can do for us in a few short months; he truly is a master creator.
      Well not much time but here a quick update. Alfonzo had his Baptismal Interview last week is getting baptized this Saturday. Yay :) The new gringo family is even going to let us use their pool so it will be a little more private and a little more spiritual. Also Hermana Weaver is going to make him a cake! i love gringos:) Adrian has almost finished all the lessons and will be interviewed this weekend. He and Carmen (our laundry lady) got engaged last weekend!!!! yay:):):):):):):) he also invited his son Andres to come to church yesterday and he came! we started teaching him the lessons last night and hopefully his dads example will help him to progress rapidly. Aaron is doing great. He’s ready from the Book of Mormon and has a very sincere desire to know if its true. We watched the long version of the restoration with him, Roberto and Emma last week and it was a very powerful experience. he said that he didn’t know all the Joseph Smith had to go through and he was impressed because all the prophets have been persecuted throughout history too. We even had Elder Neider (an elder who was here with us last cambio) call on Skype and share his testimony with him. An international lesson! Cool. I think that’s pretty much all i have to up date y’all on.
       Another thing really fast, this week we had the blessing and privilege to have Elder Cook come and speak to us. It was really incredible. He answered each of the questions I had in my heart and bore a powerful testimony of the reality and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was a very spiritual experience for us. We all got home literally drained of energy from just listening to him!
         Anyways I gotta run. Please pray for our investigators to receive and recognize answers to their prayers this week. Prayers from Costa Rica.

 All My Love,
 Hermana Kugath