
Obeying My Stake President

Dearest Family...

Hey:) what a great week it has been! Can you guys believe it April already? I mean I know it has been for 11 days already but it still blows my mind. Well I'm running a little short on time here today so let me jump right in to it!

I have seen no shortage of miracles in the last week. Fabian is the boyfriend of Angela’s (recent convert from January) daughter, Siloe. We’ve seen him on and off the past few months because he’s always around when we go to see Siloe and Angela. We’ve given him a book of Mormon, we watched the restoration and we’ve chatted lots about the church. But last week Siloe invited him to go to conference with her and he went! The next day we went over to help them practice their English for an upcoming exam and Siloe greeted us saying, "I have news! Fabian wants to be baptized!"... I for one was shocked. We talked for a little while and laid out the requirements for baptism and he agreed to each one. Later in the week we returned to teach the restoration. Wed left him a pamphlet and told him to read the first few page. He told us that he had read the whole thing! And he only hadn’t answered the questions at the back because he didn’t have a bible to look up the references.:) As we talked about the restoration he made very personal and profound remarks. When we talked about what revelation meant he said, "So I’m looking to receive a revelation from God to tell me to be baptized?" yes! Later as we explained how the only question Joseph Smith had asked was which church was true he said " that interesting, now I’m asking the same question!” it was probably in my top 3 favorite lessons of all time. We asked him to offer the closing prayer and as he prayed he really poured out his heart in the most humble prayer I’ve heard someone say. He gave thanks for the Lord having opened the door to him to be able to find the true church and asked permission from God to join the church if it was his will, because he does want to.     And that’s not all! But when we passed by just to say hi, we found him trying on the new white shirt and ties he’d bought especially for church this week:) I am dying he is so good! Yay!

In other news, Alfonzo, another recent convert spent 8 hours with us one day sharing his testimony and inviting everyone to listen to our message. He loves us so much, makes me think of the Lamanite converts of Ammon, what a privilege!

We are also currently working with all the recent converts in their family history so they will have names to take to the temple (hopefully sometime in April/early may! how I dream of seeing them in the temple!!)

Okay so I think I’ve told you how we don’t have a chapel right now because they’re rebuilding it. Well they’re just about done and its probably the mot beautiful church building I’ve ever seen. So every night on our way home we make it a point to pass by and look at it if we can. One night we were passing by and we aw lights inside. There was a guard at the gate and so we went and asked him if he could open it so we could see it.... well he said no:( but then we introduced ourselves as the missionaries of the church to whom the building belonged. He still said we couldn’t come in but asked about the church. We introduced ourselves and gave him a pamphlet of the plan of salvation and invited him to read it that night during his watch and if he wanted, to come to the church with us in the high school on Sunday. And he came! It was such a miracle. He came, stayed the 3 hours, and invited us to his house to explain more about the pamphlet and answer his questions. It was so cool! So that night we went to his house and we chatted about the plan of salvation and introduced the book of Mormon. His cousin came in and we gave them a copy to read. As we were teaching them the prophecy from Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 15:11-16 came to my mind and I felt such a great joy at helping to bring the promise to pass.

Last thing, on Sunday I was so happy. There were so many good men that I’ve come to care for and worry about and love (like a missionary obviously) dressed in white shirts! Alfonzo, Jaime, Adrian, Fabian, Ricardo, José, Marvin, etc. it was beautiful! I love being a missionary and I love Turrialba!

But don’t be jealous, I love you all too! With all my heart and soul:) miss you lots and I’m really grateful for the notes, letters, videos and pictures you’ve sent me.

Prayers from Costa Rica!
All my love,
Hermana Kugath

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